Key Characters:
Growth Form:
Annual or perennial herbs, shrubs, lianas, or sometimes trees.
Stems erect, prostrate, twining, or scandent, often with swollen nodes, striate, grooved, or prickly.
Leaves simple.
Alternate, sometimes opposite or whorled.
Base sometimes articulate.
Margins usually entire, sometimes pinnately or palmately lobed.
Petiolate or subsessile.
Stipules present, usually well–developed and connate into a dry and membranous or hyaline, often fringed or 2–lobed sheath (ocrea) around the stem, or sometimes very reduced or absent.
Flowers in cymes, these arranged in open or compact, racemose, or paniculate inflorescences with bracts and bracteoles or small involucrate fascicles, each flower often subtended by a persistent ocrea and often with a distinctly stipitate base above the articulation to the pedicel.
Flowers bisexual (perfect) or sometimes unisexual (and then plants usually dioecious or monoecious), actinomorphic.
Tepals 2–6, usually in 2 similar or slightly dissimilar whorls of 3, sometimes 5 and in a single whorl, green and herbaceous to petaloid, connate at base into a minute floral tube, often persistent and sometimes accrescent in fruit.
Stamens 2–9, most often 6 in 2 whorls of 3, 1 to several inserted opposite each tepal, sometimes opposite only the outer whorl; filaments distinct or basally connate, often of 2 lengths, those of inner series often dilated; anthers dithecal, opening by longitudinal slits.
Ovary superior, (2)3(4)-carpellate, 1-celled, sometimes with vestigial partitions at base, placentation basal or free-central; ovule 1, orthotropous or rarely anatropous; styles as many as carpels, distinct or basally connate; stigmas dry.
Fruit an achene or small nut; trigonous or sometimes lenticular; sometimes partially to completely enclosed by the persistent; sometimes accrescent tepals.
Seeds with well-developed; starchy and oily; usually hard endosperm.
Elevation Range: