Clermontia hawaiiensis

(Hillebr.) Rock (1913)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-Asterids Order: Asterales Family: Campanulaceae Genus: Clermontia

‘ōhā, ‘ōhā kēpau, ‘ōhā wai, ‘ōhā wai nui, ‘ōhāhā wai nui, hāhā


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Trees or shrubs, 1.5–9 m tall, terrestrial or epiphytic.

Stems: Stems branched repeatedly, spreading, light gray or light brown, glabrous or rarely pubescent, with numerous helically arranged leaf scars near apex, pith solid, latex white, viscous.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Alternate. Blades oblong or oblanceolate, 9–24 cm long, 2.5–6.5 cm wide. Apex acuminate, acute, obtuse, or rounded. Base attenuate. Upper surfaces glabrous; lower surfaces glabrous or pubescent on the veins; lamina coriaceous; upper surfaces dark green, glossy; lower surfaces very pale green. Margins callose–crenulate. Petioles 2–7 cm long, glabrous. Stipules absent.

Flowers: Flowers in inflorescences 2(–4)–flowered, glabrous or pubescent; peduncle 1.5–6 cm long, spreading, bibracteate at middle or apex; pedicels 1.5–4 cm long, spreading, bibracteolate at middle or base. Flowers bisexual (perfect), epigynous, zygomorphic, resupinate, protandrous. Hypanthium 1.7–2.2 cm long, 1.1–1.8 cm in diameter, obconic, glabrous, with 10 longitudinal ridges, the dorsal one forming a definite keel. Calyx synsepalous; tube adnate to the ovary, forming a hypanthium, hemispheric, obconic, obovoid, turbinate, or rarely oblong, smooth or with 10 longitudinal furrows, rarely muricate or with 10 longitudinal ridges; lobes 5, valvate, either less than 1⁄2 as long as the corolla, distinct or rarely connate at base, persistent, triangular or deltate, rarely oblong or ovate, firm, green, or as long as the corolla (rarely only ⅔ as long), connate for 1/5–⅘ their length, deciduous, mimicking the corolla in shape, texture, and color. Perianth 5–6.5 cm long, tubular, greenish white sometimes tinged purple or magenta, glabrous; tube 3–4.6 cm long, 0.9–1.8 cm in diameter, curved, narrower at middle than at base; lobes 5, valvate, 1.1–2.2 cm long, 3–7 mm wide, suberect or spreading slight, those of the calyx each with a prominent median longitudinal ridge. Stamens 5, syngenesious, alternate with the corolla lobes, included or slightly exserted, curved; anthers connate, dithecal, opening introrsely by longitudinal slits, purple or rarely greenish white, the 3 dorsal ones a little longer than the 2 ventral ones, the latter with tufts of stiff white trichomes at apex, otherwise glabrous, or sometimes pubescent along the sutures, rarely so on the surfaces, the tube 1.5–1.8 cm long, 4–5 mm in diameter, glabrous or sparsely pubescent; filaments 4–5 cm long, connate above, free from the corolla, magenta or rarely greenish white, glabrous. Pollen tricolporate, prolate, ellipsoidal. Ovary inferior, 2-carpellate, 2-loculed; ovule placentation axile, placentae large; style slender, terete (cylindrical), with a ring of stiff white hairs near apex; stigma 2-lobed, the lobes appressed and non–receptive as the style grows through the anther tube, pushing out pollen, after which the stigmas spread and become receptive.

Fruit: Berries 2.5–3.7 cm long; 1.5–3 cm in diameter; orange; obconic; obovoid; or ellipsoid; with 10 longitudinal ridges; pericarp thick; leathery; placentae juicy or spongy; apex truncate; crowned with a low circular rim and base of style. Seeds numerous; tiny; dark brown or black; minutely foveate–reticulate; shiny; with a straight; short to spatulate dicotyledonous embryo embedded in oily endosperm.


Habitat: Montane rain forests.

Elevation Range: 550–1760 m.

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


Ethnobotanical Images

Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

Hawai'i Endemic

Dispersal Agents



Name Published In: Indig. Trees Haw. Isl.: 477 (1913)

Other References

Wagner et al. 1990:430 (H); Lammers 1991:80 (KEY, DESCR)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Hilo, W of Pahea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Skottsberg, C.J.F. 461 Hawaii BISH 9/9/1922
2 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kilauea, sulphur banks PRESERVED_SPECIMEN shipman, h.c. Hawaii BISH 9/5/1957
3 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8802 Hawaii BISH 7/1/1911
4 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock bird park, kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. collector number: 7820 Molokai BISH 6/24/1929
5 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kalapana trail, below makaopuhi, juist before aa flow Just before AA flow PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hoshida, h. kaawaloa, s. collector number: 2-5 Hawaii BISH 9/13/1978
6 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kilauea, road to volcano house wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8771 Kauai BISH 4/1/1911
7 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Shipman's Ranch, Kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8803 Hawaii BISH 7/1/1911
8 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Lower Puna PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Giffard, W.M. s.n. Hawaii BISH 8/4/1927
9 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock 27 miles rain forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN morley, h. collector number: 132 h Maui BISH 8/13/1934
10 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock shipman's ranch, kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8803 Hawaii BISH 7/1/1911
11 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock 27 Miles forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Morley, H. 132 H Hawaii BISH 8/13/1934
12 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Puna PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 12847 Hawaii BISH 9/2/1917
13 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Kau Forest Reserve, Makakupu, SE Mauna Loa, Hionamoa Gulch Tr 8 on Metrosideros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN van Riper III, C. JDJ 634 Hawaii BISH 5/26/1978
14 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kau, keauhou, e mauna loa, n of center and at base of puu lalaau koa, ohia forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. collector number: frw 1563 Hawaii BISH 11/25/1977
15 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Keaiwa (TNC preserve) Kau Forest Reserve 50-70% closed canopy Acacia koa- Metrosideros polymorpha mesic to wet forest. Understory vegetation dominated by Cibotium spp, Broussaisia arguta with Cheirodendron, Myrsine lessertiana, Ilex anomala, Coprosma ochracea, terrestrial Sadleria spp, Athyrium microphyllum, Dyropteri PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K.R. 13803 Hawaii BISH 6/9/2009
16 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock national park, chain of craters, napau trail flower perianth green; staminal column and stamen dark purplish; fruit yellow, obvate, truncate; hypanthium depressed at tip, 5 prominent raised angles and weaker intermediate ones, 4 cm long PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. hosaka, e.y. collector number: 11226 Hawaii BISH 12/20/1931
17 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock 20 mile road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN funk, e.j. collector number: 206 Oahu BISH 8/8/1986
18 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8762 Hawaii BISH 4/1/1911
19 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock above Ollie Shipmans, Kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 1038 H Hawaii BISH 6/30/1915
20 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock hawaii PRESERVED_SPECIMEN jacobi, j.d. higashino, p.k. collector number: 1337 j/h Hawaii BISH 6/7/1979
21 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Kau, Kilauea FR PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herat, T. 1014 Hawaii BISH 7/8/1974
22 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Keauhou Ranch, Kau District Growing in remnant Acacia koa - Metrosideros forest in pasture. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. Collector Number: 346 Hawaii BISH 8/19/1980
23 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Hwy. 11, ~23 mi W of Hilo wet; with Metrosideros, Cibotium, Rubiaceae PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D.R. 947 Hawaii BISH 2/25/1968
24 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock W of Glenwood, 1.5 mi beyond end of 20 Mile Road Metrosideros, Cibotium forest; in lava fissure PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Funk, E.J. 206 Hawaii BISH 7/8/1981
25 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kahaualea, trail to puu oo from s glenwood rd. wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN perlman, s.p. gon, s.; abbott, l. collector number: 10505 Oahu BISH 12/14/1988
26 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Puaulu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8803 Hawaii BISH 7/1/1911
27 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock w of glenwood, 1.5 mi. beyond end of 20 mile road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN funk, e.j. collector number: 206 BISH 7/8/1981
28 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock keauhou ranch Growing on side of hill with Myrsine, Metrosideros, Myoporum, Coprosma, and Alyxia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN davis, j. collector number: 302 Hawaii BISH 6/25/1980
29 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kilauea iki, trail to lava tube PRESERVED_SPECIMEN fagerlund, g.o. mitchell, a.l. collector number: 244 Oahu BISH 12/12/1942
30 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Keauhou Ranch, Kau District Growing in remnant Acacia koa - Metrosideros forest in pasture. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. 346 Hawaii BISH 8/19/1980
31 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock National Park, Chain of Craters, Napau trail flower perianth green; staminal column and stamen dark purplish; fruit yellow, obvate, truncate; hypanthium depressed at tip, 5 prominent raised angles and weaker intermediate ones, 4 cm long PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 11226 Hawaii BISH 12/20/1931
32 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock puna district, mauna loa estates, on 9th street between ruby and pearl streets Growing on edge of open Metrosideros forest with Coprosma, Ilex, and Cibotium understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN davis, j. collector number: 436 Hawaii BISH 1/10/1981
33 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Keauhou Ranch Growing on side of hill with Myrsine, Metrosideros, Myoporum, Coprosma, and Alyxia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. 302 Hawaii BISH 6/25/1980
34 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock rr track between waiakea and olaa mill PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 641 h Hawaii BISH 5/28/1915
35 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock North Hilo Distr:; Honohina Ahu. Tr.18 (74); E slope of Mauna Kea, upstream across W fork of Painiu Stream [see COMMENTS] PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1335 Hawaii BISH 1977-00-00
36 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock puaulu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8803 Hawaii BISH 7/1/1911
37 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kilauea volcano Naturalized in meadow PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. brigham, w.t.; thompson, c.l. Lanai BISH 9/1/1908
38 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Keauhou Ranch Growing on side of hill with Myrsine, Metrosideros, Myoporum, Coprosma, and Alyxia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. Collector Number: 302 Hawaii BISH 6/25/1980
39 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock 24 mi from Volcano Rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Giffard, W.M. 335 Hawaii BISH 6/1/1928
40 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Tr 38(81); Puna, Laeapuki, Volcano Rd., 4 km S of benchmark 2487, 4-6 km S of Puu Kaumamoa on Metrosideros at 3 m PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Jacobi, J.D. 1337 Hawaii BISH 6/7/1979
41 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock s of hilo, fr aa lava PRESERVED_SPECIMEN macdaniels, l.h. collector number: 228 Hawaii BISH 11/12/1926
42 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock unknown PreservedSpecimen St. John, H. Collector Number: 26798 BISH Specimen 6/25/1971
43 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock rr track between waiokea and olaa mill PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 640 h Hawaii BISH 5/25/1915
44 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Kilauea, road to Volcano House PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8771 Hawaii BISH 4/1/1911
45 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock S of 24 mile mark on Hilo-Volcano Hwy. with Metrosideros polymorpha, Scaevola chamissoniana, Dicranopteris; old aa lava PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Carlquist, S. 2240 Hawaii BISH 8/31/1966
46 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock 24 mi. from volcano rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN giffard, w.m. collector number: 337 Hawaii BISH 6/1/1928
47 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Kilauea, Crater Rd., 1923 flow PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Giffard, W.M. 333 Hawaii BISH 6/1/1928
48 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock puna, laeapuki, volcano rd., 4 km s of benchmark 2487, 4-6 km s of puu kaumamoa on Metrosideros at 3 m PRESERVED_SPECIMEN jacobi, j.d. higashino, p.k. collector number: 1337 Hawaii BISH 6/7/1979
49 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock 20 mile road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Funk, E.J. 206 Hawaii BISH 6/8/1905
50 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock lower puna, between kapoho and pahoa low lying scrub forest, ancient aa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN giffard, w.m. Hawaii BISH 8/4/1927
51 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Keauhou Ranch (T-KB), Kau District Disturbed closed Metrosideros forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN ESP Field Crew Collector Number: ESP 044 Hawaii BISH 9/9/1979
52 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kahuku, n side of e lobe of 1950 flow, near crossing with jeep road to nene cabin PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 26798 Hawaii BISH 6/25/1971
53 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock palakea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 1002 h Oahu BISH 6/29/1915
54 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock above ollie shipmans, kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 1038 h Hawaii BISH 6/30/1915
55 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Keauhou Ranch (T-KB), Kau District Disturbed closed Metrosideros forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN ESP Field Crew ESP 044 Hawaii BISH 9/9/1979
56 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock East of Hilo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 2190 Hawaii BISH 7/9/1926
57 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock n hilo, honohina, e mauna kea, upstream across w fork of painiu stream wet ohia forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. collector number: frw 1335 Hawaii BISH 8/21/1977
58 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Kalapana Trail, below Makaopuhi, juist before aa flow Just before AA flow PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hoshida, H. 5-Feb Hawaii BISH 9/13/1978
59 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Palakea fence line PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 1002 H Hawaii BISH 6/29/1915
60 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Puna, Kahaualea, 2 km S of benchmark 2893, Volcano Hwy. wet ohia forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stemmermann, R.L. 3808 Hawaii BISH 5/31/1979
61 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kilauea along sterile roadside PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8762 Oahu BISH 7/1/1911
62 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock puna PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 12847 Hawaii BISH 9/2/1917
63 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock volcano road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8801 Hawaii BISH 7/1/1911
64 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock keaiwa (tnc preserve) kau forest reserve 50-70% closed canopy PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. naboa, e.; replogle, j.; crysdale, s. collector number: 13803 Oahu BISH 6/9/2009
65 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock keauhou ranch, kau district Growing in remnant Acacia koa - Metrosideros forest in pasture. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN davis, j. collector number: 346 Hawaii BISH 8/19/1980
66 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Crater Rd. near Kane Nuio home PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B.C. 2988 Hawaii BISH 6/26/1959
67 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock hilo & kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hillebrand, w.b. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH
68 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock 24 mi from Volcano Rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Giffard, W.M. 337 Hawaii BISH 6/1/1928
69 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Volcano road PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8801 Hawaii BISH 7/1/1911
70 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock crater rd. near kane nuio home PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stone, b.c. collector number: 2988 Hawaii BISH 6/26/1959
71 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Kilauea, Chain of Craters, Puu Huluhulu bottom of crater PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. s.n. Hawaii BISH 3/1/1957
72 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kau, kilauea fr PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herat, t. herat, r.; higashino, p.k. collector number: 1014 Hawaii BISH 7/8/1974
73 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kilauea, crater rd., 1923 flow Andropogon glomeratus grassland community on ash-covered pahoehoe lava. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN giffard, w.m. collector number: 333 Hawaii BISH 6/1/1928
74 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Keauhou Ranch, Kau District Growing beneath recently fallen tree on side of Pu`u O`o trail. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. Collector Number: 314 Hawaii BISH 8/6/1980
75 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock East of Hilo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. Collector Number: 2190 Hawaii BISH 7/9/1926
76 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Kahaualea, trail to Puu Oo from S Glenwood Rd. wet forest; with Cibotium, Psychotria hawaiiensis, Myrsine, Melicope, Scaevola chamissoniana, Wikstroemia, Broussaisia, Cyrtandra, Dubautia, Coprosma, Labordia, Sadleria cyatheoides, Cyanea pilosa, Adenophorus periens PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. 10505 Hawaii BISH 12/14/1988
77 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock 24 mi. from volcano rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN giffard, w.m. collector number: 335 Hawaii BISH 6/1/1928
78 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Keauhou Ranch, Kau District Growing beneath recently fallen tree on side of Pu`u O`o trail. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. 314 Hawaii BISH 8/6/1980
79 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock S of Hilo, FR aa lava PRESERVED_SPECIMEN MacDaniels, L.H. 228 Hawaii BISH 11/12/1926
80 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock keauhou ranch, kau district Growing beneath recently fallen tree on side of Pu`u O`o trail. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN davis, j. collector number: 314 Hawaii BISH 8/6/1980
81 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8762 Hawaii BISH 4/1/1911
82 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Haena, S of Hilo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Skottsberg, C.J.F. 460 Hawaii BISH 9/9/1922
83 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Kilauea Iki, trail to Lava Tube PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Fagerlund, G.O. 244 Hawaii BISH 12/12/1942
84 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock puna, kahaualea, 2 km s of benchmark 2893, volcano hwy. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stemmermann, r.l. montgomery, s. collector number: 3808 Maui BISH 5/31/1979
85 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kau, makakupu, se mauna loa, hionamoa gulch on Metrosideros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN van riper iii, c. collector number: jdj 634 Hawaii BISH 5/26/1978
86 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Puna District, Mauna Loa Estates, on 9th street between Ruby and Pearl streets Growing on edge of open Metrosideros forest with Coprosma, Ilex, and Cibotium understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. Collector Number: 436 Hawaii BISH 1/10/1981
87 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Tr 38 (81) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Jacobi, J.D. 1337 J/H Hawaii BISH 6/7/1979
88 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock hilo, w of pahea lower flume; dirt bank PRESERVED_SPECIMEN skottsberg, c.j.f. collector number: 461 Maui BISH 9/9/1922
89 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8762 Hawaii BISH 7/1/1911
90 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock s of 24 mile mark on hilo-volcano hwy. with Metrosideros polymorpha, Scaevola chamissoniana, Dicranopteris; old aa lava PRESERVED_SPECIMEN carlquist, s. collector number: 2240 Hawaii BISH 8/31/1966
91 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kilauea, chain of craters, puu huluhulu bottom of crater PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. Hawaii BISH 3/1/1957
92 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock RR track between Waiokea and Olaa Mill PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 640 H Hawaii BISH 5/25/1915
93 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock haena, s of hilo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN skottsberg, c.j.f. collector number: 460 Hawaii BISH 9/9/1922
94 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Lower Puna, between Kapoho and Pahoa low lying scrub forest, ancient aa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Giffard, W.M. s.n. Hawaii BISH 8/4/1927
95 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock along saddle road 16 miles from hilo. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN otto degener|t. murashige|mark kerr degener 20014 MO 8/30/1949
96 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock east of hilo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener 2190 MICH 7/19/1926
97 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener 2190 NY 7/19/1926
98 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock PRESERVED_SPECIMEN elder elder umo 41211 MO 4/13/1957
99 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock hawaii national park; between makaopuhi and alae craters Roadside PRESERVED_SPECIMEN g. l. webster and r. l. wilbur 1770 NCSC 6/17/1948
100 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock hawaii national park. kipuka puaula N/A PRESERVED_SPECIMEN g. l. webster and r. l. webster 1780 NCSC 6/18/1948
101 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock above ollie shipman's, kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 1038.h NY 6/30/1915
102 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock hilo, [island of] hawaii, territory of hawaii PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener 2190 NY 7/19/1926
103 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Kahaualea N.A.R., survey transect 2, in from Jade Ave. Metrosideros-Cibotium montane wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 10478 Hawaii PTBG 12/12/1988
104 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Kahaualea N.A.R., survey transect 2, in from Jade Ave. Metrosideros--Cibotium montane wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 10489 Hawaii PTBG 12/12/1988
105 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Kahaualea N.A.R., survey transect 7, trail to Puu Oo in from South Glenwood Rd. Metrosideros-Cibotium lowland wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 10505 Hawaii PTBG 12/14/1988
106 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock above Ollie Shipman's, Kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 1038.H Hawaii US 6/30/2015
107 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock hawaii, pauulu, mauna loa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 8803 S 7/8/1910
108 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kilauea. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 8801 Hawaii US
109 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Keaiwa (TNC preserve) Kau Forest Reserve. 50–70% closed canopy Acacia koa-Metrosideros polymorpha mesic to wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 13803 Hawaii PTBG 6/9/2009
110 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock sse of 27 miles, puna. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & i. degener 30798 Oahu US 5/8/1966
111 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock 3 miles south west of belt road, puna Small vine among trees in shady areas. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN otto degener | isa degener 32410 RSA 11/26/1969
112 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock about 23 miles west of Hilo, near Highway 11 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D. R. 947 Hawaii US 2/25/1968
113 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock SSE of 27 Miles, Puna. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Degener, I. 30798 Hawaii US 5/8/1966
114 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock in "real-estate-development", south of 24-mile mark on hilo-volcano highway PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. carlquist 2240 Kauai US 8/31/1966
115 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Makai of Makaopuhi Crater. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Degener, I. 31679 Hawaii US 8/6/1968
116 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock crater road, near kane nuio homo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN b. c. stone 2988 Hawaii US 6/26/1959
117 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock about 23 miles west of hilo, near highway 11 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN d. r. herbst 947 Hawaii US 2/25/1968
118 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock back of Shipman's Ranch, Mauna Loa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J. F. 8803 Hawaii US 1911-00-00
119 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kahaualea n.a.r., survey transect 2, in from jade ave. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman, m. buck, l. abbott & b. hill 10478 Hawaii US 12/12/1988
120 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock In "real-estate-development", south of 24-mile mark on Hilo-Volcano Highway Scrubby forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Carlquist, S. 2240 Hawaii US 8/31/1966
121 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock s.n. Oahu US
122 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J. F. s.n. Oahu US 7/11/2020
123 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Kahaualea N.A.R., survey transect 2, in from Jade Ave. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. P.; Buck, M.; Abbott, L.; Hill, B. 10478 Hawaii US 12/12/1988
124 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Kilauea. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J. F. 8801 Hawaii US 7/11/2020
125 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. carlquist 2025 Maui US
126 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Hilo District, lower Kulani Prison Road. Wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Carlquist, S. 2025 Hawaii US 7/21/1966
127 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock makai of makaopuhi crater. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & i. degener 31679 Maui US 8/6/1968
128 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. carlquist 2240 Maui US
129 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Near Highway 11 about 23 miles west of Hilo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D. R. 947 Hawaii US 2/25/1968
130 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock hilo district, lower kulani prison road. Wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. carlquist 2025 Hawaii US 7/21/1966
131 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Near 24 mi past Volcano Rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Giffard, W. M. 335 Hawaii US 6/28/2020
132 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Puna District, Mauna Loa Estates, on 9th street between Ruby and Pearl streets Growing on edge of open Metrosideros forest with Coprosma, Ilex, and Cibotium understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. 436 Hawaii BISH 1/10/1981
133 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8802 Hawaii BISH 7/1/1911
134 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Bird Park, Kilauea sunny grass, among rocks PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 7820 Hawaii BISH 6/24/1929
135 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock east of hilo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. collector number: 2190 Hawaii BISH 7/9/1926
136 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Hilo & Kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hillebrand, W.B. s.n. Hawaii BISH
137 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Kau, Keauhou, E Mauna Loa, N of center and at base of Puu Lalaau koa, ohia forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1563 Hawaii BISH 11/25/1977
138 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock kipuka puaulu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. a. setchell s.n. Hawaii US 7/31/1924
139 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock ola`a forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oahu US
140 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. carlquist 599 Hawaii US
141 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Crater Road, near Kane Nuio Homo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B. C. 2988 Hawaii US 6/26/1959
142 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock near highway 11 about 23 miles west of hilo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN d. r. herbst 947 Hawaii US 2/25/1968
143 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock back of shipman's ranch, mauna loa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 8803 Hawaii US
144 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock near 24 mi past volcano rd. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. giffard 335 Hawaii US
145 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Kahuku, N side of E lobe of 1950 flow, near crossing with jeep road to Nene cabin PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 26798 Hawaii BISH 6/25/1971
146 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock keauhou ranch (t-kb), kau district Disturbed closed Metrosideros forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN esp field crew collector number: esp 044 Hawaii BISH 9/9/1979
147 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock RR track between Waiakea and Olaa Mill PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 641 H Hawaii BISH 5/28/1915
148 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock Kilauea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 8762 Hawaii BISH 7/1/1911
149 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock hwy. 11, ~23 mi w of hilo wet; with Metrosideros, Cibotium, Rubiaceae PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. collector number: 947 Hawaii BISH 2/25/1968
150 Clermontia hawaiiensis (Hillebr.) Rock lower puna PRESERVED_SPECIMEN giffard, w.m. Hawaii BISH 8/4/1927