Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata

Fosberg (1964)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-Asterids Order: Gentianales Family: Rubiaceae Genus: Psychotria


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Small trees up to 8 m tall.

Stems: Young branches yellowish to grayish brown.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Opposite. Blades obovate, oblanceolate, elliptic–oblong, or occasionally suborbicular, 2–12.6 cm long, 1.1–7.3 cm wide. Apex obtuse to rounded. Base acute to truncate or rounded. Surfaces glabrous or occasionally puberulent or hirtellous, particularly along veins, chartaceous, domatia usually absent. Margins entire. Lateral veins 5–11 pairs, tertiary veins often forming a conspicuous network. Petioles 0–0.5(–0.8) cm long. Stipules obovate or deltate–obovate, up to 6 mm long.

Flowers: Flowers in inflorescences with verticillate branching, branches up to 18 mm long, always shorter on the upper node, each branch usually terminated by a 3–flowered cymule, peduncles 0–2 cm long, lateral flowers of each cymule with small pedicels and the central one sessile. Flowers insect-pollinated, unisexual, 4–5-merous, usually heterostylous. Calyx 3–3.5 mm long, 4-6-lobed, hirsute, often densely so, with long, white hairs, truncate at apex or with acute lobes, tube usually shorter than hypanthium. Corolla white, 4-6-lobed, tube 2–3 mm long at anthesis, somewhat expanded toward apex, throat glabrous, the lobes usually thick and fleshy, spreading, ovate, 3–5 mm long, often hirsute at apex and along dorsal or outer surface; nectary disk present at apex of ovary. Stamens as many as and alternate with the corolla lobes; filaments of staminate flowers 1–2 mm long, inserted on the corolla tube or throat; anthers attached at the base, exserted at anthesis in functionally staminate flowers, elliptic–oblong or ovate–oblong, 0.7–1 mm long, dithecal, opening by longitudinal slits. Ovary inferior, occasionally partly so, or very rarely superior, 2–celled, placentation basal; ovules 1 per cell, erect, anatropous; 2–2.5 mm long at anthesis; style as many as carpels, 2–3 mm long, terminal, slender; stigmas 2, divaricate, lobed or capitate, 0.7–1.1 mm long, often hirsute or pubescent, dry or occasionally wet.

Fruit: Fruit ellipsoid–pyriform; 12–18 mm long; with persistent calyx; sometimes with the persistent and expanded disk protruding; pyrenes 1-2(-4); hemispherical in cross section; endocarp usually thick and hard. Seeds 1 per pyrene; usually conforming to the form of the pyrene; seed coat thin; invaginated on the ventral or inner face into a T-shape in cross section; endosperm otherwise not ruminate; carnose; the embryo small with flat; thin cotyledons; seeds with well-developed oily endosperm; or endosperm occasionally scanty or absent.


Habitat: Occurring in mesic to occasionally dry forest; Wai'anae Mountains; O'ahu.

Elevation Range: 360–940 m.

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

O'ahu Endemic

Dispersal Agents




Name Published In: Brittonia 16(3): 267–268 (1964)

Other References

Wagner et al. 1990:1165 (O)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg makaha valley, waianae mts woods, by stream PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 11607 Oahu BISH 4/3/1932
2 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg kaluaa gulch between puu kanehoa and puu and along ridge to puu kanehoa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN sohmer, s.h. collector number: 10830 Oahu BISH 12/7/1975
3 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Kaluaa Gulch between Puu Kanehoa and Puu and along ridge to Puu Kanehoa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Sohmer, S.H. 10830 Oahu BISH 12/7/1975
4 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg kaluaa gulch between puu kanehoa and puu and along ridge to puu kanehoa (same as 10829 and 10830) near ridge top PRESERVED_SPECIMEN sohmer, s.h. collector number: 10384 Oahu BISH 12/7/1975
5 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg n kaluaa drainage, ridge Metrosideros, Syzygium, Clidemia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. paquin, d. collector number: 2755 Oahu BISH 8/16/1986
6 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Palehua, Waianae PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Skottsberg, C.J.F. 345 Oahu BISH 8/25/1922
7 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg north of head of makua valley In rainforest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. salucop, f. collector number: 11525 Oahu BISH 10/24/1937
8 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg N Kaluaa drainage, ridge Metrosideros, Syzygium, Clidemia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 2755 Oahu BISH 8/16/1986
9 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Waianae Mts., ridge east of Central Makaleha VAlley Rather dry. grassy ridge with Dodonaea, Bidens, and Diospyros. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Ozaki, E.T. 1519 Oahu BISH 4/15/1956
10 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Schofield Trail to Kaala, Waianae Range Wooded Ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hume, E.P. 565 Oahu BISH 5/23/1932
11 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Waianae Mts., Kaluaa Gulch between Puu Kanehoa and Puu Hapapa and along ridge to Puu Hapapa Growing on lower ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Sohmer, S.H. 10830 Oahu BISH 12/7/1975
12 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Kaluaa Gulch between Puu Kanehoa and Puu and along ridge to Puu Kanehoa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Sohmer, S.H. 10846 Oahu BISH 12/7/1975
13 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg unknown in small gully in dry forest of Pisonia association. PreservedSpecimen Nagata, K.M. Collector Number: 1173 BISH Specimen 7/22/1973
14 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Waianae Mts., Kaluaa Gulch between Puu Knaehoa and Puu Hapapa and along ride to Puu Hapapa, On lower ridge PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Sohmer, S.H. 10829 Oahu BISH 12/7/1975
15 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Waianae Mts.; Kunia Trail, just E of Puu Kanehoa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B.C. 3246 Oahu BISH 3/26/1960
16 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Waianae Mts., Kaluaa Gulch between Puu Kanehoa and Puu Hapapa and along ridge to Puu Hapapa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Sohmer, S.H. 10848 Oahu BISH 12/7/1975
17 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Makaha W PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Russ, G.W. s.n. Oahu BISH 11/1/1931
18 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg waianae range Abundant in a little valley. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. et al. collector number: 20653 Oahu BISH 5/7/1950
19 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Palikea Trail, Waianae Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Crosby, M.R. 1920 Oahu BISH 7/31/1964
20 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Waianae Range, Waianae Kai trail, loop trail, ridge between powerline towers and pinnacle rock PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Imada, C.T. MK-990906-3/7 Oahu BISH 9/6/1999
21 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg kaluaa gulch between puu kanehoa and puu and along ridge to puu kanehoa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN sohmer, s.h. collector number: 10829 Oahu BISH 12/7/1975
22 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg peacock flats PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. et al. collector number: waianae 137 Oahu BISH 8/1/1984
23 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg kaluaa gulch between puu kanehoa and puu and along ridge to puu kanehoa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN sohmer, s.h. collector number: 10848 Oahu BISH 12/7/1975
24 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Kaluaa Gulch between Puu Kanehoa and Puu and along ridge to Puu Kanehoa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Sohmer, S.H. 10848 Oahu BISH 12/7/1975
25 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Peacock Flats Planchonella PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. Waianae 137 Oahu BISH 8/1/1984
26 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Palikea trail; along summit of Southern Waianaes and area near old C.C.C. camp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Sohmer, S.H. 6446 Oahu BISH 5/29/1970
27 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Kaluaa Gulch between puu Kanehoa and puu and along ridge to Puu Kanehoa (same as 10829 and 10830) near ridge top PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Sohmer, S.H. 10384 Oahu BISH 12/7/1975
28 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg palikea trail; along summit of southern waianaes and area near old c.c.c. camp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN sohmer, s.h. collector number: 6446 Oahu BISH 5/29/1970
29 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Major gulch system just north of major peak north of Puu Kawiwi. Makaha side of Kamaileunu Ridge, waianae Mts Near crest of E ridge of side gulch w/ Pisonia-Aleurites association. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nagata, K.M. 1177 Oahu BISH 8/7/1973
30 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg waianae range, waianae kai trail, loop trail (right side when seen from below) PRESERVED_SPECIMEN imada, c.t. kiehn, m.; puttock, c.; lux, n. collector number: mk-990906-1/2 Kauai BISH 9/6/1999
31 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg sw kaala, base, fire break trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. salucop, f.; arlantico collector number: 11816 Hawaii BISH 12/19/1937
32 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Waianae Range PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 20653 Oahu BISH 5/7/1950
33 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg kaluaa gulch between puu kanehoa and puu and along ridge to puu kanehoa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN sohmer, s.h. collector number: 10846 Hawaii BISH 12/7/1975
34 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg palehua, waianae mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 1685 o Oahu BISH 4/1/1911
35 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Makaha Valley, Waianae Mts woods, by stream PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 11607 Oahu BISH 4/3/1932
36 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Waianae Mts., Kaluaa Gulch between Puu Kanehoa and Puu Hapapa and along ridge to Puu Hapapa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Sohmer, S.H. 10834 Oahu BISH 12/7/1975
37 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg north of head of makua valley In rain forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. salucop, f. collector number: 11525 Oahu BISH 10/24/1937
38 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg E Kanehoa, Waianae Mts., Honouliuli, side of ridge moist woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 14048 Oahu BISH 1/7/1934
39 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Kukuiala Valley - between Mokuleia-Kawaihapai PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Swezey, O.H. s.n. Oahu BISH 9/15/1933
40 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Palehua, Waianae Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C.N. 1685 O Oahu BISH 4/1/1911
41 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Kaluaa Gulch between Puu Kanehoa and Puu and along ridge to Puu Kanehoa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Sohmer, S.H. 10829 Oahu BISH 12/7/1975
42 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Puu Kapu Wet Forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Christophersen, E. 1559 Oahu BISH 2/12/1931
43 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg e kanehoa, waianae mts., honouliuli, side of ridge moist woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 14048 Oahu BISH 1/7/1934
44 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Pahole Natural Area Reserve, from crest of Pahole Gulch ridge adjacent to Kahanahaiki Valley. Windswept, low-statured ohia lowland mesic forest with lama, olopua, and alahee. Nearby rare species include Diellia falcata and Melicope sandwicensis. WNW aspect. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takahama, T.K. s.n. Oahu BISH 5/10/2016
45 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg North of head of Makua Valley In rain forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 11525 Oahu BISH 10/24/1937
46 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg peacock flats Planchonella PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. et al. collector number: waianae 137 Oahu BISH 8/1/1984
47 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg makaha w PRESERVED_SPECIMEN -. illegible s.n. CHRB
48 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Oahu - Hawaii. North of head of Makua Valley, Oaho. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. G 10/24/1937
49 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg pahole gulch, waianae mts., waialua PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. nagata 1307 MSC 6/15/1976
50 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Waianae Range, Waianae Kai trail, loop trail (right side when seen from below) Common. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Imada, C.T. MK-990906-1/2 Oahu BISH 9/6/1999
51 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Major gulch system just north of major peak north of Puu Kawiwi. Makaha side of Kamaileunu Ridge, Waianae Mts Near crest of E ridge of side gulch w/ Pisonia-Aleurites association. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nagata, K.M. 1177 Oahu BISH 8/7/1973
52 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg north of head of makua valley. Shrubless clay bog. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener 11525 NY 10/24/1937
53 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Puu Kamehoa, east ridge, Waianae Mts., Honouliuli PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 14048 Oahu US 1/7/1934
54 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Southern Waianae Mountains, just off Palikea Trail, above Makakilo City, through locked gates and on boarder of Nanakuli Forest Reserve. Mesic Metrosideros-Schinus Forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Natalia Tangalin 3120 Oahu PTBG 4/19/2012
55 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg puu kamehoa, east ridge, waianae mts., honouliuli PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john 14048 Kauai US 1/7/1934
56 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Makaha Valley, Waianae Mts. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 11607 Oahu US 4/3/1932
57 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Makaha w PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Russ, G. W. s.n. Oahu US 11/1/1931
58 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Pahole Gulch, Waianae Mts., Waialua PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nagata, K. M. 1307 Oahu US 6/15/1976
59 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg se base of kaala, near fire-break trail Forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener, -. salucop & -. arlantico 11816 Oahu US 12/19/1937
60 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg between puu manawahua and mauna kapu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener, -. greenwell, -- hatheway & caindec 20839 Oahu US 6/28/1950
61 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg makaha valley, waianae mts. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john 11607 Oahu US 4/3/1932
62 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg SE base of Kaala, near fire-break trail Forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Salucop, -.; Arlantico, -. 11816 Oahu US 12/19/1937
63 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg North of head of Makua Valley, Oahu, T.H. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Salucop, F. 11525 Oahu US 10/24/1937
64 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Puu Kamehoa, E ridge, Waianae Mts., Honouliuli PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 14048 Oahu US 1/7/1934
65 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg between Puu Manawahua and Mauna Kapu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Greenwell, -.; Hatheway, --; Caindec 20839 Oahu US 6/28/1950
66 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg north of head of makua valley, oahu, t.h. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & f. salucop 11525 Oahu US 10/24/1937
67 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg oahu, north of head of makua valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & f. salucop 11525 YPM 10/24/1937
68 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Kamaileunu Ridge, Waianae Mts. On the Makaha side of ridge, just north of a major peak north of Puu Kawiwi. in small gully in dry forest of Pisonia association. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nagata, K.M. 1173 Oahu BISH 7/22/1973
69 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Kaluaa Gulch, Waianae Mts. Central Gulch system On slope of small gully, w/Antidesma, Pouteria & Eugenia sandwicensis. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nagata, K.M. 1160 Oahu BISH 6/24/1973
70 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Palehua/Palikea Trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Linney, G.K. PRC 200 Oahu BISH 3/11/1982
71 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Waianae kai Along right ridge. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Welton, P. 148 Oahu BISH 10/8/1989
72 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg SW Kaala, base, fire break trail forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 11816 Oahu BISH 12/19/1937
73 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg puu kamehoa, e ridge, waianae mts., honouliuli PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john 14048 Oahu US 1/7/1934
74 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg major gulch system just north of major peak north of puu kawiwi. makaha side of kamaileunu ridge, waianae mts. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. nagata, g. spence & j. obata 1177 Hawaii US 8/7/1973
75 Psychotria hathewayi var. brevipetiolata Fosberg Major gulch system just north of major peak north of Puu Kawiwi. Makaha side of Kamaileunu Ridge, Waianae Mts. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nagata, K. M.; Spence, G.; Obata, J. 1177 Oahu US 8/7/1973