SNo. | Scientific Name | Scientific Name Authorship | Locality | Habitat | Basis of Record | Recorded By | Record Number | Island | Source | Date |
1 | Zeuxine strateumatica | (L.) Schltr. | East Maui, Maui Nui Botanical Garden | In taro planting, mulch substrate. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Starr, F. Starr, K. | Collector Number: 040128-1 | Maui | BISH | 1/28/2004 |
2 | Zeuxine strateumatica | (L.) Schltr. | East Maui, Pukalani Community Center | Growing in lawn. Associated vegetation: Wedelia, Cenchrus echinatus, Acacia confusa. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Starr, F. Martz, K. | Collector Number: 020102-1 | Maui | BISH | 1/2/2002 |
3 | Zeuxine strateumatica | (L.) Schltr. | East Maui, Makawao District, Wailea, Polo Beach | growing as a weed in resort landscaping. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Oppenheimer, H.L. | H30304 | Maui | BISH | 3/8/2003 |
4 | Zeuxine strateumatica | (L.) Schltr. | Schofield, West Base ONARP, in front of seed lab building. | Growing out of planter box. Understory of Dodonaea viscosa, Osteomeles anthylidifolial and other native taxa planted into flower bed. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Kawelo, K. | USARMY 526 | Oahu | BISH | 12/17/2019 |
5 | Zeuxine strateumatica | (L.) Schltr. | east maui, makawao district, wailea, polo beach | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | oppenheimer, h.l. | collector number: h30304 | Oahu | BISH | 3/8/2003 | |
6 | Zeuxine strateumatica | (L.) Schltr. | east maui, maui nui botanical garden | In taro planting, mulch substrate. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | starr, f. starr, k. | collector number: 040128-1 | Maui | BISH | 1/28/2004 |
7 | Zeuxine strateumatica | (L.) Schltr. | East Maui, Wailuku District, Kahului | Growing under oleander hedge in landscaped area of shopping center. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Oppenheimer, H.L. | H20125 | Maui | BISH | 2/19/2001 |
8 | Zeuxine strateumatica | (L.) Schltr. | W. Maui, Kahana, N side of Pohakukaanapali Gulch. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hank Oppenheimer | H20913 | Maui | PTBG | 2/6/2009 | |
9 | Zeuxine strateumatica | (L.) Schltr. | E. Maui, Kahului. | In landscaped area of shopping center. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hank Oppenheimer | H20125 | Maui | PTBG | 2/19/2001 |
10 | Zeuxine strateumatica | (L.) Schltr. | east maui, pukalani community center | Growing in lawn. Associated vegetation: Wedelia, Cenchrus echinatus, Acacia confusa. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | starr, f. martz, k. | collector number: 020102-1 | Maui | BISH | 1/2/2002 |
11 | Zeuxine strateumatica | (L.) Schltr. | East Maui, Wailuku District, Kahului | Growing under oleander hedge in landscaped area of shopping center. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Oppenheimer, H.L. | Collector Number: H20125 | Maui | BISH | 2/19/2001 |
12 | Zeuxine strateumatica | (L.) Schltr. | W. Maui, Honokahua. | In landscaped bed of Sphagneticola triloba. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hank Oppenheimer | H30503 | Maui | PTBG | 3/4/2005 |
13 | Zeuxine strateumatica | (L.) Schltr. | East Maui, Makawao District, Wailea, Polo Beach | growing as a weed in resort landscaping. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Oppenheimer, H.L. | Collector Number: H30304 | Maui | BISH | 3/8/2003 |
14 | Zeuxine strateumatica | (L.) Schltr. | East Maui, Maui Nui Botanical Garden | In taro planting, mulch substrate. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Starr, F. | 040128-1 | Maui | BISH | 1/28/2004 |
15 | Zeuxine strateumatica | (L.) Schltr. | east maui, wailuku district, kahului | Mesic native forest. Associates species, relative abundance: Tetraplasandra hawaiiensis, Metrosideros collina, Pisonia sp., Osmanthus sandwicensis. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | oppenheimer, h.l. | collector number: h20125 | Hawaii | BISH | 2/19/2001 |
16 | Zeuxine strateumatica | (L.) Schltr. | East Maui, Pukalani Community Center | Growing in lawn. Associated vegetation: Wedelia, Cenchrus echinatus, Acacia confusa. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Starr, F. | 020102-1 | Maui | BISH | 1/2/2002 |
17 | Zeuxine strateumatica | (L.) Schltr. | Ulupalakua | garden | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Steverman, .M | s.n. | Maui | BISH | 12/1/1991 |