Key Characters:
Growth Form:
Annual or perennial herbs, rarely vines or small trees.
Leaves simple or occasionally pinnately compound.
Opposite or occasionally whorled, rarely alternate.
Margins often toothed.
Stipules absent.
Flowers usually in small, compact, axillary cymes, forming verticillate arrangements at each node, together often forming a thyrse, sometimes cymes reduced to solitary flowers, thus essentially arranged in racemose inflorescences, each flower +/- bracteolate.
Flowers bisexual (perfect) or sometimes unisexual (and then plants gynodioecious or rarely dioecious).
Calyx actinomorphic, occasionally bilabiate, tubular, campanulate, or funnelform, usually 5-toothed, splitting longitudinally, usually persistent or sometimes only ventral 1/2 persistent.
Corolla strongly zygomorphic, usually bilabiate, 4-5-lobed, rarely nearly actinomorphic; nectary disk often present at base of ovary, annular or developed on anterior side only.
Stamens 4, 1 pair usually longer than the other, or 2, occasionally with an additional pair of staminodes, inserted on the corolla tube, aligned with the sinuses; anthers dithecal, opening by longitudinal slits, occasionally 1 theca reduced or absent or the 2 thecae confluent, occasionally the connective elongate and thus separating the thecae, most visible in Salvia.
Ovary superior, rarely on a gynophore, 2-carpellate, each carpel longitudinally divided, thus 4 +/- distinct segments connate only at the gynobasic style, sometimes ovary merely 4-lobed, ca. 1/2 its length; style arising between lobes, placentation basal-axile; ovules 1 per ovary lobe, anatropous to hemitropous or apotropous; style 1, usually cleft; stigmas 2, sometimes 1 reduced and vestigial.
Fruit of (1-)4 1-seeded nutlets or nutlets drupaceous with a fleshy exocarp; nutlets often becoming mucilaginous when wet.
Seeds with endosperm absent or scanty and oily.
Elevation Range: