SNo. | Scientific Name | Scientific Name Authorship | Locality | Habitat | Basis of Record | Recorded By | Record Number | Island | Source | Date |
1 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Kawaihau District, North of Anahola, near Aliomanu Bay. | Roadside, in mesic conditions and open canopy | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. Brock | 845 | Kauai | HAPI | 6/3/2016 |
2 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Kawaihau District. North of Anahola near Aliomanu Bay. At a private residence on Kalalea View Drive. | A planted windrow/privacy hedge at a private residence. Cultivated plant. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Brock, K. | 1005 | Kauai | BISH | 5/30/2017 |
3 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | east maui, makawao district, hamakuapoko | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | oppenheimer, h.l. duvall, f. | collector number: h50211 | Maui | BISH | 5/4/2002 | |
4 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | East Maui, Makawao District, Hamakuapoko | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Oppenheimer, H.L. | H50211 | Maui | BISH | 5/4/2002 | |
5 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | North of Anahola, near Aliomanu Bay. A planted windrow/privacy hedge at a private residence on Kalalea View Drive. | Cultivated plant. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Kelsey Brock | 1005 | Kauai | PTBG | 5/30/2017 |
6 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Kawaihau District. North of Anahola, where Aliomanu Road meets Kalalea View drive. | Growing in the ditch where Aliomanu Road meets Kalalea View drive. A single non-cultivated plant, likely spreading from aplanted windroow/privacy barrier 300 meters to the north. Growing with on roadside, in mesic conditions and open canopy. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Brock, K. | 845 | Kauai | BISH | 6/3/2016 |
7 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | aiea | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | landgraf, m.f. | collector number: s.n. | Kauai | BISH | 4/27/1954 | |
8 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | hoomaluhia botanic gardens | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lau, j. | collector number: 3036 | Oahu | BISH | 1/6/1987 | |
9 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | OAHU: UH CTAHR site in Waimanalo, 41-698 Ahiki Street. Lowland windward Oahu. | Agricultural farmland. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Alex Lau and Danielle Frohlich | 611292 | Oahu | PTBG | 11/29/2006 |
10 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Makawao District, Hamakuapoko. | Cultivated. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hank Oppenheimer | H50211 | Maui | PTBG | 5/4/2002 |
11 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | North of Anahola, growing in the ditch where Aliomanu Rd meets Kalalea View drive. A single non-cultivated plant, likely spreading from a planted windrow/privacy barrier 300 m to the north. | Growing with on roadside, in mesic conditions and open canopy. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Kelsey Brock | 845 | Kauai | PTBG | 6/3/2016 |
12 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | H3 on-ramp from Likelike Highway, town-bound direction. | Roadside vegetation of planted species and invasive weeds. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | US Army | USArmy 329 | Oahu | PTBG | 11/19/2013 |
13 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Lawai Valley, National Tropical Botanicak Garden; along road through Erythrina section, along west side of road, alt. ca. 30-35 m. | Cultivated | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | David H. Lorence | 6416 | Kauai | PTBG | 12/7/1989 |
14 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | On grounds of PTBG, Lawai valley, legume area. | Cultivated. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | John J. Fay | 301 | Kauai | PTBG | 3/18/1975 |
15 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | koloa dist: lawai valley, nat tropical botanical garden. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | d. h. lorence | 6416 | Kauai | US | 12/7/1989 | |
16 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Kawaihau District, North of Anahola, growing in the ditch where Aliomanu Rd. meets Kalalea View Drive. | Roadside, in mesic conditions and open canopy | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. Brock | 845 | Kauai | US | 6/3/2016 |
17 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | kawaihau district, north of anahola, growing in the ditch where aliomanu rd. meets kalalea view drive. | Roadside, in mesic conditions and open canopy | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | k. brock | 845 | Kauai | US | 6/3/2016 |
18 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | kawaihau district, north of anahola, near aliomanu bay. | Windrow/privacy hedge at a private residence on Kalalea View Drive | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | k. brock | 1005 | Kauai | US | 5/30/2017 |
19 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Aiea | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Landgraf, M.F. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 4/27/1954 | |
20 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Kawaihau District, North of Anahola, near Aliomanu Bay. | Windrow/privacy hedge at a private residence on Kalalea View Drive | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. Brock | 1005 | Kauai | US | 5/30/2017 |
21 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Species from Fiji growing in Aihualama, at about 600 ft. Upper Manoa Valley, Oahu | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Harris, J.A. | C242262 | Oahu | BISH | 9/26/1924 | |
22 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Hoomaluhia Botanic Gardens | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lau, J. | 3036 | Oahu | BISH | 1/6/1987 | |
23 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | uh ctahr site in waimanalo, 41-698 ahiki street | Lowland Windward O'ahu Agricultural farmland. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lau, a. frohlich, d.; oed | collector number: 0611292 | Oahu | BISH | 11/29/2006 |
24 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | h3 on ramp from likelike highway, town-bound direction. | Canopy of roadside plantings and invasive weeds, including Macaranga mappa, Citharexylum caudatum, Eucalyptus spp, Spathodea campanulata, Falcataria moluccana. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | us army kawelo, k. | collector number: usarmy 329 | Oahu | BISH | 11/19/2013 |
25 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Hoomaluhia Botanic Garden | In full sun. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lau, J. | 3036 | Oahu | BISH | 1/6/1987 |
26 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | UH CTAHR site in Waimanalo, 41-698 Ahiki Street | Lowland Windward O'ahu Agricultural farmland. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lau, A. | 611292 | Oahu | BISH | 11/29/2006 |
27 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | East Maui, Makawao District, Hamakuapoko | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Oppenheimer, H.L. Duvall, F. | Collector Number: H50211 | Maui | BISH | 5/4/2002 | |
28 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | H3 on ramp from Likelike Highway, town-bound direction. | Canopy of roadside plantings and invasive weeds, including Macaranga mappa, Citharexylum caudatum, Eucalyptus spp, Spathodea campanulata, Falcataria moluccana. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Kawelo, K. | USARMY 329 | Oahu | BISH | 11/19/2013 |
29 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | species from fiji growing in aihualama, at about 600 ft. upper manoa valley, oahu | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | harris, j.a. | collector number: c242262 | Oahu | BISH | 9/26/1924 | |
30 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | hoomaluhia botanic garden | In full sun. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lau, j. | collector number: 3036 | Oahu | BISH | 1/6/1987 |
31 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | 3860 Manoa Rd, Honolulu, HI, US | Windrow/privacy hedge at a private residence on Kalalea View Drive | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. Brock | 1005 | Molokai | HAPI | 5/30/2017 |
32 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Pearl City, Urban Garden Center, next to boardwalk garden. | HUMAN_OBSERVATION | Maui Invasive Species Committee | Oahu | HAPI | 2/10/2005 | ||
33 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Kawaihau District, North of Anahola, near Aliomanu Bay. | Roadside, in mesic conditions and open canopy | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. Brock | 845 | Kauai | HAPI | 6/3/2016 |
34 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Kawaihau District. North of Anahola near Aliomanu Bay. At a private residence on Kalalea View Drive. | A planted windrow/privacy hedge at a private residence. Cultivated plant. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Brock, K. | 1005 | Kauai | BISH | 5/30/2017 |
35 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | east maui, makawao district, hamakuapoko | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | oppenheimer, h.l. duvall, f. | collector number: h50211 | Maui | BISH | 5/4/2002 | |
36 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | East Maui, Makawao District, Hamakuapoko | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Oppenheimer, H.L. | H50211 | Maui | BISH | 5/4/2002 | |
37 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | North of Anahola, near Aliomanu Bay. A planted windrow/privacy hedge at a private residence on Kalalea View Drive. | Cultivated plant. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Kelsey Brock | 1005 | Kauai | PTBG | 5/30/2017 |
38 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Kawaihau District. North of Anahola, where Aliomanu Road meets Kalalea View drive. | Growing in the ditch where Aliomanu Road meets Kalalea View drive. A single non-cultivated plant, likely spreading from aplanted windroow/privacy barrier 300 meters to the north. Growing with on roadside, in mesic conditions and open canopy. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Brock, K. | 845 | Kauai | BISH | 6/3/2016 |
39 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | aiea | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | landgraf, m.f. | collector number: s.n. | Kauai | BISH | 4/27/1954 | |
40 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | hoomaluhia botanic gardens | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lau, j. | collector number: 3036 | Oahu | BISH | 1/6/1987 | |
41 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | OAHU: UH CTAHR site in Waimanalo, 41-698 Ahiki Street. Lowland windward Oahu. | Agricultural farmland. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Alex Lau and Danielle Frohlich | 611292 | Oahu | PTBG | 11/29/2006 |
42 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Makawao District, Hamakuapoko. | Cultivated. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hank Oppenheimer | H50211 | Maui | PTBG | 5/4/2002 |
43 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | North of Anahola, growing in the ditch where Aliomanu Rd meets Kalalea View drive. A single non-cultivated plant, likely spreading from a planted windrow/privacy barrier 300 m to the north. | Growing with on roadside, in mesic conditions and open canopy. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Kelsey Brock | 845 | Kauai | PTBG | 6/3/2016 |
44 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | H3 on-ramp from Likelike Highway, town-bound direction. | Roadside vegetation of planted species and invasive weeds. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | US Army | USArmy 329 | Oahu | PTBG | 11/19/2013 |
45 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Lawai Valley, National Tropical Botanicak Garden; along road through Erythrina section, along west side of road, alt. ca. 30-35 m. | Cultivated | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | David H. Lorence | 6416 | Kauai | PTBG | 12/7/1989 |
46 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | On grounds of PTBG, Lawai valley, legume area. | Cultivated. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | John J. Fay | 301 | Kauai | PTBG | 3/18/1975 |
47 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | koloa dist: lawai valley, nat tropical botanical garden. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | d. h. lorence | 6416 | Kauai | US | 12/7/1989 | |
48 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Kawaihau District, North of Anahola, growing in the ditch where Aliomanu Rd. meets Kalalea View Drive. | Roadside, in mesic conditions and open canopy | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. Brock | 845 | Kauai | US | 6/3/2016 |
49 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | kawaihau district, north of anahola, growing in the ditch where aliomanu rd. meets kalalea view drive. | Roadside, in mesic conditions and open canopy | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | k. brock | 845 | Kauai | US | 6/3/2016 |
50 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | kawaihau district, north of anahola, near aliomanu bay. | Windrow/privacy hedge at a private residence on Kalalea View Drive | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | k. brock | 1005 | Kauai | US | 5/30/2017 |
51 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Aiea | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Landgraf, M.F. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 4/27/1954 | |
52 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Kawaihau District, North of Anahola, near Aliomanu Bay. | Windrow/privacy hedge at a private residence on Kalalea View Drive | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. Brock | 1005 | Kauai | US | 5/30/2017 |
53 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Species from Fiji growing in Aihualama, at about 600 ft. Upper Manoa Valley, Oahu | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Harris, J.A. | C242262 | Oahu | BISH | 9/26/1924 | |
54 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Hoomaluhia Botanic Gardens | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lau, J. | 3036 | Oahu | BISH | 1/6/1987 | |
55 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | uh ctahr site in waimanalo, 41-698 ahiki street | Lowland Windward O'ahu Agricultural farmland. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lau, a. frohlich, d.; oed | collector number: 0611292 | Oahu | BISH | 11/29/2006 |
56 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | h3 on ramp from likelike highway, town-bound direction. | Canopy of roadside plantings and invasive weeds, including Macaranga mappa, Citharexylum caudatum, Eucalyptus spp, Spathodea campanulata, Falcataria moluccana. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | us army kawelo, k. | collector number: usarmy 329 | Oahu | BISH | 11/19/2013 |
57 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Hoomaluhia Botanic Garden | In full sun. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lau, J. | 3036 | Oahu | BISH | 1/6/1987 |
58 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | UH CTAHR site in Waimanalo, 41-698 Ahiki Street | Lowland Windward O'ahu Agricultural farmland. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lau, A. | 611292 | Oahu | BISH | 11/29/2006 |
59 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | East Maui, Makawao District, Hamakuapoko | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Oppenheimer, H.L. Duvall, F. | Collector Number: H50211 | Maui | BISH | 5/4/2002 | |
60 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | H3 on ramp from Likelike Highway, town-bound direction. | Canopy of roadside plantings and invasive weeds, including Macaranga mappa, Citharexylum caudatum, Eucalyptus spp, Spathodea campanulata, Falcataria moluccana. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Kawelo, K. | USARMY 329 | Oahu | BISH | 11/19/2013 |
61 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | species from fiji growing in aihualama, at about 600 ft. upper manoa valley, oahu | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | harris, j.a. | collector number: c242262 | Oahu | BISH | 9/26/1924 | |
62 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | hoomaluhia botanic garden | In full sun. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lau, j. | collector number: 3036 | Oahu | BISH | 1/6/1987 |
63 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | 3860 Manoa Rd, Honolulu, HI, US | Windrow/privacy hedge at a private residence on Kalalea View Drive | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. Brock | 1005 | Molokai | HAPI | 5/30/2017 |
64 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Pearl City, Urban Garden Center, next to boardwalk garden. | HUMAN_OBSERVATION | Maui Invasive Species Committee | Oahu | HAPI | 2/10/2005 | ||
65 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Kawaihau District, North of Anahola, near Aliomanu Bay. | Roadside, in mesic conditions and open canopy | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. Brock | 845 | Kauai | HAPI | 6/3/2016 |
66 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Kawaihau District. North of Anahola near Aliomanu Bay. At a private residence on Kalalea View Drive. | A planted windrow/privacy hedge at a private residence. Cultivated plant. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Brock, K. | 1005 | Kauai | BISH | 5/30/2017 |
67 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | east maui, makawao district, hamakuapoko | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | oppenheimer, h.l. duvall, f. | collector number: h50211 | Maui | BISH | 5/4/2002 | |
68 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | East Maui, Makawao District, Hamakuapoko | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Oppenheimer, H.L. | H50211 | Maui | BISH | 5/4/2002 | |
69 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | North of Anahola, near Aliomanu Bay. A planted windrow/privacy hedge at a private residence on Kalalea View Drive. | Cultivated plant. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Kelsey Brock | 1005 | Kauai | PTBG | 5/30/2017 |
70 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Kawaihau District. North of Anahola, where Aliomanu Road meets Kalalea View drive. | Growing in the ditch where Aliomanu Road meets Kalalea View drive. A single non-cultivated plant, likely spreading from aplanted windroow/privacy barrier 300 meters to the north. Growing with on roadside, in mesic conditions and open canopy. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Brock, K. | 845 | Kauai | BISH | 6/3/2016 |
71 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | aiea | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | landgraf, m.f. | collector number: s.n. | Kauai | BISH | 4/27/1954 | |
72 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | hoomaluhia botanic gardens | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lau, j. | collector number: 3036 | Oahu | BISH | 1/6/1987 | |
73 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | OAHU: UH CTAHR site in Waimanalo, 41-698 Ahiki Street. Lowland windward Oahu. | Agricultural farmland. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Alex Lau and Danielle Frohlich | 611292 | Oahu | PTBG | 11/29/2006 |
74 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Makawao District, Hamakuapoko. | Cultivated. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hank Oppenheimer | H50211 | Maui | PTBG | 5/4/2002 |
75 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | North of Anahola, growing in the ditch where Aliomanu Rd meets Kalalea View drive. A single non-cultivated plant, likely spreading from a planted windrow/privacy barrier 300 m to the north. | Growing with on roadside, in mesic conditions and open canopy. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Kelsey Brock | 845 | Kauai | PTBG | 6/3/2016 |
76 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | H3 on-ramp from Likelike Highway, town-bound direction. | Roadside vegetation of planted species and invasive weeds. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | US Army | USArmy 329 | Oahu | PTBG | 11/19/2013 |
77 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Lawai Valley, National Tropical Botanicak Garden; along road through Erythrina section, along west side of road, alt. ca. 30-35 m. | Cultivated | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | David H. Lorence | 6416 | Kauai | PTBG | 12/7/1989 |
78 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | On grounds of PTBG, Lawai valley, legume area. | Cultivated. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | John J. Fay | 301 | Kauai | PTBG | 3/18/1975 |
79 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | koloa dist: lawai valley, nat tropical botanical garden. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | d. h. lorence | 6416 | Kauai | US | 12/7/1989 | |
80 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Kawaihau District, North of Anahola, growing in the ditch where Aliomanu Rd. meets Kalalea View Drive. | Roadside, in mesic conditions and open canopy | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. Brock | 845 | Kauai | US | 6/3/2016 |
81 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | kawaihau district, north of anahola, growing in the ditch where aliomanu rd. meets kalalea view drive. | Roadside, in mesic conditions and open canopy | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | k. brock | 845 | Kauai | US | 6/3/2016 |
82 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | kawaihau district, north of anahola, near aliomanu bay. | Windrow/privacy hedge at a private residence on Kalalea View Drive | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | k. brock | 1005 | Kauai | US | 5/30/2017 |
83 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Aiea | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Landgraf, M.F. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 4/27/1954 | |
84 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Kawaihau District, North of Anahola, near Aliomanu Bay. | Windrow/privacy hedge at a private residence on Kalalea View Drive | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. Brock | 1005 | Kauai | US | 5/30/2017 |
85 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Species from Fiji growing in Aihualama, at about 600 ft. Upper Manoa Valley, Oahu | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Harris, J.A. | C242262 | Oahu | BISH | 9/26/1924 | |
86 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Hoomaluhia Botanic Gardens | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lau, J. | 3036 | Oahu | BISH | 1/6/1987 | |
87 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | uh ctahr site in waimanalo, 41-698 ahiki street | Lowland Windward O'ahu Agricultural farmland. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lau, a. frohlich, d.; oed | collector number: 0611292 | Oahu | BISH | 11/29/2006 |
88 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | h3 on ramp from likelike highway, town-bound direction. | Canopy of roadside plantings and invasive weeds, including Macaranga mappa, Citharexylum caudatum, Eucalyptus spp, Spathodea campanulata, Falcataria moluccana. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | us army kawelo, k. | collector number: usarmy 329 | Oahu | BISH | 11/19/2013 |
89 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Hoomaluhia Botanic Garden | In full sun. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lau, J. | 3036 | Oahu | BISH | 1/6/1987 |
90 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | UH CTAHR site in Waimanalo, 41-698 Ahiki Street | Lowland Windward O'ahu Agricultural farmland. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lau, A. | 611292 | Oahu | BISH | 11/29/2006 |
91 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | East Maui, Makawao District, Hamakuapoko | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Oppenheimer, H.L. Duvall, F. | Collector Number: H50211 | Maui | BISH | 5/4/2002 | |
92 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | H3 on ramp from Likelike Highway, town-bound direction. | Canopy of roadside plantings and invasive weeds, including Macaranga mappa, Citharexylum caudatum, Eucalyptus spp, Spathodea campanulata, Falcataria moluccana. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Kawelo, K. | USARMY 329 | Oahu | BISH | 11/19/2013 |
93 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | species from fiji growing in aihualama, at about 600 ft. upper manoa valley, oahu | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | harris, j.a. | collector number: c242262 | Oahu | BISH | 9/26/1924 | |
94 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | hoomaluhia botanic garden | In full sun. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lau, j. | collector number: 3036 | Oahu | BISH | 1/6/1987 |
95 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | 3860 Manoa Rd, Honolulu, HI, US | Windrow/privacy hedge at a private residence on Kalalea View Drive | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. Brock | 1005 | Molokai | HAPI | 5/30/2017 |
96 | Acacia auriculiformis | A.Cunn. ex Benth. | Pearl City, Urban Garden Center, next to boardwalk garden. | HUMAN_OBSERVATION | Maui Invasive Species Committee | Oahu | HAPI | 2/10/2005 |