Key Characters:
Growth Form:
Glabrous, aquatic perennial herbs of fresh water, with creeping slender rhizomes.
Stems erect, leafy.
Fibrous root system.
Leaves simple.
Alternate, occasionally the upper ones subopposite.
Blades of submerged leaves filiform or flattened and grass-like, the upper leaves floating and blades expanded, with a well–developed open sheath at the base.
Surfaces glabrous.
Petiolate or sheathing, Sometimes with a ligule at the apex which is a projection of the petiole, occasionally petioles attached further down the sheath or directly to the node and the sheath appearing to form a large adaxial or intrapetiolar sheathing stipule.
Flowers in axillary and terminal, bractless, often somewhat fleshy spikes elevated above the water.
Flowers small, wind–pollinated, bisexual (perfect), actinomorphic.
Perianth of 4 distinct, fleshy, clawed tepals in 1 series.
Stamens 4 in 1 series, opposite the tepals, adnate to the claw; anthers subsessile, dithecal, opening by longitudinal slits, extrorse.
Pollen spheric.
Ovary superior, carpels 4, distinct, alternate with the stamens; ovule 1, attached to the ventral margin of the carpel usually toward the base, orthotropous, usually becoming campylotropous or anatropous after fertilization; style short, terminal, or absent; stigma dry, not papillose.
Fruit of distinct achenes or drupelets; usually buoyant in water; the pericarp partly aerenchymatous.
Seeds without endosperm.
Elevation Range: