Cyrtandra tintinnabula

Rock (1918)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-Asterids Order: Lamiales Family: Gesneriaceae Genus: Cyrtandra

ha‘iwale [haiwale], kanawao ke‘oke‘o [kanawao keokeo]


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Shrubs 1–2 m tall.

Stems: Stems rounded to angular, pubescent with multicellular hairs or glabrate.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Opposite, borne on upper 3–6 nodes. Those leaves of a pair slightly unequal, symmetrical to somewhat asymmetrical, chartaceous, broadly elliptic to ovate, 13–26 cm long, 5–12.3 cm wide. Apex long-acuminate. Base broadly cuneate to truncate. Upper surfaces sparsely hirtellous; lower surfaces sparsely to moderately villous, especially along veins, more densely pubescent when young, the hairs yellowish brown. Margins dentate to serrate. Petioles 5.3–10.5 cm long, moderately short–villous, rarely densely so, base sometimes clasping the stem or perfoliate. Stipules absent.

Flowers: Flowers 3–6 in open umbelliform cymes arising in the leaf axils, densely villous, peduncles 10–18 mm long, pedicels 5–15 mm long, bracts foliaceous, distinct or occasionally connate, broadly ovate or cordate, 9–15 mm long. Flowers bisexual (perfect). Calyx 2–5(6)-lobed, nearly actinomorphic, pale green when fresh, campanulate, 9–10 mm long, cleft ¼–⅓ its length, the lobes broadly deltate, conspicuously reflexed, venation inconspicuous, both surfaces densely villous, apex rounded, deciduous or persistent in fruit. Corolla usually bilabiate, white; tube cylindrical, straight or curved, ca. 12 mm long, ca. 5 mm in diameter, densely villous, upper lip 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed, the lobes imbricate in bud, lobes subequal, rhombic–orbicular, ca. 3 mm long; ovary glabrous. Stamens 5, inserted about halfway up corolla tube, the 2 upper Stamens fertile, others staminodial, +/– with abortive anthers; fertile anthers coherent positioned in throat of corolla tube, dithecal, opening by longitudinal slits or occasionally by apical pores. Ovary superior, oblong–ovoid, 2-carpellate, 1-celled, placentation parietal, placentas 2, ± intruded, rarely joined in center and dividing ovary into 2 cells; ovules numerous, anatropous, glabrous, apex rounded or with a stylar beak; style ca. 2 mm long, sparsely puberulent; stigma capitate, 2-lobed, lobes usually elliptic.

Fruit: Fruit unknown. Seeds unknown.


Habitat: Known only from 4 collections in wet forest.

Elevation Range: 730–1,040 m.

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

Hawai'i Endemic

Dispersal Agents



Name Published In: Amer. J. Bot. 5: 267 (1918)

Other References

Wagner et al. 1990:779 (H)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Metrosideros-Cibotium wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 17592 Hawaii PTBG 6/21/2001
2 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Acacia koa- Metrosideros - Dicranopteris linearis wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 23189 Hawaii PTBG 12/18/2012
3 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Acacia koa- Metrosideros mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 17676 Hawaii PTBG 8/30/2001
4 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Acacia koa- Metrosideros- Dicranopteris linearis wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 23093 Hawaii PTBG 11/7/2012
5 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. smith 3890 Hawaii US 10/22/1999
6 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN S. P. Perlman & L. Perry 23189 Hawaii US 12/18/2012
7 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman & l. perry 18324 Hawaii US 1/2/2003
8 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Fosberg, F. R. 10467 Hawaii US 1933-00-00
9 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman 17676 Hawaii US 8/30/2001
10 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. smith 3894 Hawaii US 10/22/1999
11 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood & s. p. perlman 693 Hawaii US 2/13/1991
12 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman & l. perry 23189 Hawaii US 12/18/2012
13 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood, s. p. perlman & d. palmer 709 Hawaii US 4/3/1991
14 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN d. h. lorence, s. p. perlman, l. perry & i. cole 8908 Hawaii US 8/14/2002
15 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. smith 3889 Hawaii US 10/22/1999
16 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN f. r. fosberg 10467 Hawaii US 12/8/1933
17 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Fosberg, F.R. 10467 Hawaii BISH 12/8/1933
18 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN fosberg, f.r. collector number: 10467 Hawaii BISH 12/8/1933
19 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Open Metrosideros-Acacia forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. 563 Hawaii BISH 2/10/1981
20 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Open Metrosideros-Acacia forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN clarke, g. collector number: 563 Hawaii BISH 2/10/1981
21 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Closed Metrosideros forest w/ few koa; understory of Cheirodendron, Ilex, Myrsine, Coprosma, Pelea, & Cibotium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. 680 Hawaii BISH 2/4/1982
22 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Wet koa- ohia forest with other native trees and a treefern, native shrub understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1317 Hawaii BISH 8/13/1977
23 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 3290 Hawaii BISH 7/3/1909
24 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Closed Metrosideros forest w/ few koa; understory of Cheirodendron, Ilex, Myrsine, Coprosma, Pelea, & Cibotium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN davis, j. bailey, k. collector number: 680 Hawaii BISH 2/4/1982
25 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN adee, k.t. collector number: 7105 Hawaii BISH 6/16/1978
26 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Acacia koa-Metrosideros-Dicranopteris linearis wet forest. With Antidesma platyphylla, Ilex anomaia, Perrottebia sandwicensis, Kadua affinis, Cheirodendron trigynum, Leptecophylla, Pipturus albidus, Rubus hawaiiensis, Psidium cattlelanum, Mysine lessertiana PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. 23189 Hawaii BISH 12/18/2012
27 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN fosberg, f.r. collector number: 10467 Hawaii BISH 12/8/1933
28 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1572 Hawaii BISH 7/3/1976
29 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Wet koa- ohia forest with other native trees and a treefern, native shrub understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. collector number: frw 1317 Hawaii BISH 8/13/1977
30 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Wet koa- ohia forest with other native trees and a treefern, native shrub understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. collector number: frw 1310 Hawaii BISH 8/13/1977
31 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Wet koa- ohia forest with other native trees and a treefern, native shrub understory. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Warshauer, F.R. FRW 1310 Hawaii BISH 8/13/1977
32 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Acacia koa-Metrosideros-Cibotium forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN perlman, s.p. perry, l. collector number: 18324 Hawaii BISH 1/2/2003
33 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Adee, K.T. 7105 Hawaii BISH 6/16/1978
34 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Acacia koa-Metrosideros-Cibotium forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S.P. Perry, L. Collector Number: 18324 Hawaii BISH 1/2/2003
35 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Open Metrosideros - Acacia forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN clarke, g. collector number: 563 Hawaii BISH 2/10/1981
36 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 3290 Hawaii BISH 7/3/1909
37 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Open Metrosideros - Acacia forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. 563 Hawaii BISH 2/10/1981
38 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN adee, k.t. collector number: 7100 Hawaii BISH
39 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Acacia koa-Metrosideros-Cibotium forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. 18324 Hawaii BISH 1/2/2003
40 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Adee, K.T. 7100 Hawaii BISH
41 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Acacia koa-Metrosideros-Cibotium forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 18324 Hawaii PTBG 1/2/2003
42 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Smith, J. F. 3894 Hawaii US 10/22/1999
43 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Smith, J. F. 3889 Hawaii US 10/22/1999
44 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R.; Perlman, S. P. 693 Hawaii US 2/13/1991
45 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Smith, J. F. 3890 Hawaii US 10/22/1999
46 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN J. F. Smith 3890 Hawaii US 10/22/1999
47 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. P.; Perry, L. 23189 Hawaii US 12/18/2012
48 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN J. F. Smith 3894 Hawaii US 10/22/1999
49 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R.; Perlman, S. P.; Palmer, D. 709 Hawaii US 4/3/1991
50 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lorence, D. H.; Perlman, S. P.; Perry, L.; Cole, I. 8908 Hawaii US 8/14/2002
51 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN D. H. Lorence, S. P. Perlman, L. Perry & I. Cole 8908 Hawaii US 8/14/2002
52 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN J. F. Smith 3889 Hawaii US 10/22/1999
53 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. P.; Perry, L. 18324 Hawaii US 1/2/2003
54 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN David H. Lorence 8908 Hawaii PTBG 8/14/2002
55 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Acacia-Metrosideros lowland wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 709 Hawaii PTBG 4/3/1991
56 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Acacia koa- Metrosideros lowland wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 697 Hawaii PTBG 2/13/1991
57 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Metrosideros-Cibotium wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 17595 Hawaii PTBG 6/21/2001
58 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Acacia koa- Metrosideros wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 20954 Hawaii PTBG 4/1/2008
59 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Metrosideros-Cibotium Lowland Wet Forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 3182 Hawaii PTBG 5/12/1994
60 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Acacia koa- Metrosideros lowland wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 693 Hawaii PTBG 2/13/1991
61 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. collector number: frw 1572 Hawaii BISH 7/3/1976
62 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information Open Metrosideros - Acacia forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. Collector Number: 563 Hawaii BISH 2/10/1981
63 Cyrtandra tintinnabula Rock Contact Bishop Museum Botany department for locality information PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 3290 MICH 7/3/1909