Cyrtandra calpidicarpa

(Rock) H.St.John & Storey (1950)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-Asterids Order: Lamiales Family: Gesneriaceae Genus: Cyrtandra

ha‘iwale [haiwale], kanawao ke‘oke‘o [kanawao keokeo]


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Shrubs 1–4 m tall.

Stems: Stems unbranched or few–branched, rounded to angular, pubescent with multicellular hairs or glabrate.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Whorled 3–4 per node, rarely opposite, borne on upper 3–8 nodes. Leaves at a node unequal to subequal, symmetrical or nearly so. Blades narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, 9–28 cm long, (1.3–)2–6.3 cm wide. Apex acuminate. Base attenuate. Upper surfaces glabrous except for the sparsely pilose midrib; lower surfaces sparsely pilose especially along the veins; blades thin or sometimes thick, chartaceous. Margins serrulate to subentire, occasionally serrate in upper 1⁄2. Upper surface with scarcely impressed veins, lower surface with scarcely raised veins. Petioles 1–6.2 cm long, base sometimes clasping the stem or perfoliate. Stipules absent.

Flowers: Flowers 1–3 in sometimes compound cymes arising in the leaf axils, sparsely brown pilose throughout, peduncles slender, 1–3(–9) mm long, pedicels 3–8 mm long, bracts foliaceous, elliptic, 18–41 mm long, connate 1⁄2 their length but divided deeper on inner side, each one sometimes 2-lobed, deciduous after anthesis. Flowers bisexual (perfect). Calyx zygomorphic, narrowly fusiform in bud; tipped by a beak 10–17 mm long, in anthesis pale green, thin, splitting along 1 suture, 23–40 mm long, deciduous after anthesis, tube spathaceous,12–17 mm long, glabrous or with a few scattered hairs, occasionally shaggy dark brown pilose within, deciduous or persistent in fruit, upper 3 lobes 13–21 mm long, tardily separating, lower 2 lobes 6–15 mm long, tardily separating. Corolla usually bilabiate, white, usually fleshy, campanulate to salverform, tube subcylindrical, curved near the middle, 20–31mm long, ca. 5 mm in diameter medially, glabrous, upper lip 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed, upper lobes broadly elliptic, 6.5–8 mm long, 5.5–6 mm wide, lower lobes broadly elliptic, 8–17 mm long, 6–11 mm wide, lobes imbricate in bud. Stamens 5, inserted about halfway up corolla tube, the 2 upper Stamens fertile, others staminodial, +/– with abortive anthers; fertile anthers coherent positioned in throat of corolla tube, dithecal, opening by longitudinal slits or occasionally by apical pores. Ovary superior, glabrous, oblong–ovoid, 2-carpellate, 1-celled, placentation parietal, placentas 2, ± intruded, rarely joined in center and dividing ovary into 2 cells; ovules numerous, anatropous, pubescent or glabrous, apex rounded or with a stylar beak; style 13–15 mm long, with a few scattered hairs; stigma capitate, 2-lobed, lobes usually elliptic.

Fruit: Fruit a fleshy or firm berry; white; subcylindrical; curved; 3–10 cm long; glabrous; often tipped by the persistent stylar beak. Seeds numerous; ellipsoid; minute; 0.25–0.35 mm long; glabrous; the surface reticulate; endosperm present or absent.


Habitat: Occurring in disturbed mesic valleys.

Elevation Range: 120–600 m.

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

O'ahu Endemic

Dispersal Agents




Name Published In: Occas. Pap. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus. 20: 81 (1950)

Other References

Wagner et al. 1990:749 (O)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Punaluu, head of valley, base of cliffs talus rubble PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 2402 Oahu BISH 8/17/1985
2 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey castle trail, koolau range, kaulani on open hillside On open hillside PRESERVED_SPECIMEN nakata, s. collector number: 30 Oahu BISH 10/21/1945
3 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waiahole Valley Trail, beyond end of road in from hwy. 83 at Waiahole, near Waiahole River Plants growing on talus slope above dry stream bed. Growing with Psidium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Skog, L. 7008 Oahu BISH 1/9/1986
4 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey kaluanui, divide with punaluu wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. paquin, d. collector number: 3926 Oahu BISH 7/31/1988
5 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Castle trail, Koolau Range, Kaulani on open hillside On open hillside PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nakata, S. 30 Oahu BISH 10/21/1945
6 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Punaluu, Castle trail Psidium, Aleurites PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 1794 Oahu BISH 10/28/1984
7 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Punaluu, Castle trail wet gully PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 1788 Oahu BISH 10/28/1984
8 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey head of punaluu valley, streambed Clidemia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. tate, w. collector number: 2394 Oahu BISH 8/17/1985
9 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Koolau Range, along Castle trail Growing in moist area. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herat, T. 504 Oahu BISH 8/23/1973
10 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey koloa, near streambed PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. yoshinaga, a. collector number: 2936 Oahu BISH 10/26/1986
11 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waiahole valley Kiawe Thickets with Achyranthes plants scattered over vacant Lots PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 1093 Oahu BISH 1/17/1909
12 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waiahole ditch trail, side gully, flume 26 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stone, b.c. collector number: 1255 Oahu BISH 4/29/1956
13 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waianu mauka colluvial slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. Oahu BISH 11/1/1985
14 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Punaluu, head of valley Clidemia, Trema cannabina PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 2404 Oahu BISH 8/17/1985
15 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey punaluu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 2404 Oahu BISH
16 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waikane-schofield trail, kahana, koolau range Moist Metrosideros Forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN haramoto, f.h. Oahu BISH 12/2/1951
17 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey koolauloa district, castle trail Pockets of vegetation in a'a lava and at roadside. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. collector number: 1155 Maui BISH 6/20/1968
18 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey punaluu, castle trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. pyle, l.; obata, j.; tate, w. collector number: 1794 BISH 10/28/1984
19 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Along Castle Trail in Punaluu Valley, Koolau Mts In woods. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Storey, W.B. 187 Oahu BISH 5/8/1932
20 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey hidden valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN funk, e.j. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 5/22/1981
21 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey castle trail in punaluu valley, koolau mts scrub branches; Dicranopteris, Metrosideros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN storey, w.b. collector number: 124 Lanai BISH 1/11/1931
22 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey uwau Collected intertidally off Basalt rock PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. tanaka, a. collector number: 2534 Maui BISH 11/2/1985
23 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey koolau mts., punaluu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN selling, o. collector number: 3673 Oahu BISH 9/27/1938
24 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waikane-Schofield Trail, Kahana, Koolau Range Moist Metrosideros Forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Haramoto, F.H. s.n. Oahu BISH 12/2/1951
25 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Makua Gulch, Hauula, Koolauloa, Koolau Mts side of ravine; with Eugenia malaccensis, Charpentiera PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nagata, K.M. 2560 Oahu BISH 11/13/1982
26 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Punaluu, Koolau Mts., Castle trail forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 20114 Oahu BISH 11/3/1940
27 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey koolau mts., castle trail Growing in gully with weeds and exotic grasses such as Cynodon dactylon and Holcus lanatus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wagner, w.l. et al. collector number: 5627 Hawaii BISH 9/8/1985
28 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey kipapa gulch, koolau mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN storey, w.b. collector number: 216 Oahu BISH 11/13/1932
29 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waikane, schofield trail, koolau mts wet; Aleurites, Metrosideros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 24711 Oahu BISH 12/2/1951
30 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waikane schofield trail, koolau range PRESERVED_SPECIMEN cowan, r.s. collector number: 46 Oahu BISH 9/22/1946
31 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey punaluu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 2393 Oahu BISH
32 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Kaluanui, divide with Punaluu, N channel at dike sheer kukui, mountain apple PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 3920 Oahu BISH 7/31/1988
33 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waikane-schofield trail, kahana, koolau range On rocky wet ridge. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wong, c.c.y. Oahu BISH 5/18/1941
34 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Laie trail, Kahawainui gulch near stream; Metrosideros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 25959 Oahu BISH 3/25/1956
35 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Exceedingly steep slopes above Waikane Camp on Waikane Stream, Koolau Range, 2.4 miles due west from Waikane on Pacific Ocean On slippery wet clay, in secondary forest of Albizia and other planted introductions, and with Metrosideros collina, Aleurites, Cibotium (3 spp.), Cyrtandra spp., Straussia, Scaevola gaudichaudiana, Ardisia crispa and Solanum auriculatum (S. carterianum Rock, a supposed Hawaiian endemic) and inpenetrable thickets of Gleichenia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Iltis, H.H. 322 Oahu BISH 7/17/1967
36 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey makua gulch, hauula, koolauloa, koolau mts side of ravine; with Eugenia malaccensis, Charpentiera PRESERVED_SPECIMEN nagata, k.m. collector number: 2560 Oahu BISH 11/13/1982
37 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey punaluu, koolau mts., castle trail forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 20114 Oahu BISH 11/3/1940
38 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Koloa, near streambed rubble-strewn incline at base of cliffs PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 2936 Oahu BISH 10/26/1986
39 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey unknown PreservedSpecimen unknown Collector Number: 2019 BISH Specimen
40 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey ko`olau mts., windward side, wai`ahole ditch trail, above waianu stream PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. l. wagner & j. r. clark 6964 Oahu US 3/18/2004
41 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey punaluu, head of valley, base of cliffs talus rubble PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. tate, w. collector number: 2402 Oahu BISH 8/17/1985
42 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey koolau mts., waikane valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN van royen, p. collector number: 10140 Oahu BISH 7/17/1967
43 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey koolau range, along castle trail with Rubus, ferns, mamane, in tube, open Myrsine-ohia forest; inside hole of collapsed lava tube PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herat, t. herat, r. collector number: 504 Hawaii BISH 8/23/1973
44 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey punaluu, top of waterfall Psidium guajava, Pisonia umbellifera PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. tate, w. collector number: 2398 Oahu BISH 8/17/1985
45 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waikane-Schofield Trail, Kahana, Koolau Range On rocky wet ridge. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wong, C.C.Y. s.n. Oahu BISH 5/18/1941
46 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey koolau mts., castle trail In ferned valley. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wagner, w.l. collector number: 5633 Kauai BISH 9/8/1985
47 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Punaluu, top of waterfall Psidium guajava, Pisonia umbellifera PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 2398 Oahu BISH 8/17/1985
48 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Castle Trail in Punaluu Valley, Koolau Mts Dense woods. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Storey, W.B. 137 Oahu BISH 7/4/1931
49 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey punaluu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 2401 Oahu BISH 8/17/1985
50 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waikane Schofield Trail, Koolau Range PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Cowan, R.S. 46 Oahu BISH 9/22/1946
51 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Punaluu, head of valley, base of cliffs Boehmeria, Clidemia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 2403 Oahu BISH 8/17/1985
52 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Kaluanui, divide with Punaluu wet forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 3926 Oahu BISH 7/31/1988
53 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey hidden valley, kaaawa, koolau mts forest to L of 1880-1 flow PRESERVED_SPECIMEN nagata, k.m. collector number: 2179 Hawaii BISH 10/9/1980
54 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey punaluu, castle trail Lowland Ohia Mixed Mesic Forest at 3450 feet on a steep north facing slope associated with Metrosideros, Dodonaea, Styphelia, Psychotria, Cheirodendron, Cyrtandra spp., Pipturus, Alyxia, Pelea, Hedyotis spp., Dubautia, Myoporum, Freycinetia, Perrotettia and native ferns and sedges PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. pyle, l.; obata, j.; tate, w. collector number: 1793 Maui BISH 10/28/1984
55 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey koolau range, punaluu, castle trail In shaded gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 22694 Oahu BISH 7/27/1947
56 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey along castle trail in punaluu valley, koolau mts In woods. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN storey, w.b. collector number: 187 Oahu BISH 5/8/1932
57 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey punaluu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 2398 Oahu BISH
58 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waiahole valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 1093 Oahu BISH 1/17/1909
59 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey kipapa gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hume, e.p. collector number: 100 Oahu BISH 2/15/1931
60 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waiahole Valley, wall of mountain, side of waterfall PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 1096 Oahu BISH 1/17/1909
61 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waikane ditch trail base of eroding basalt faces PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 1886 Oahu BISH 12/17/1984
62 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey unknown PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 2524 BISH
63 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waikane ditch trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 2013 Oahu BISH 2/24/1985
64 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Koolau Range, Punaluu, Castle Trail In shaded gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 22694 Oahu BISH 7/27/1947
65 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Field trip to Punaluu, Castle Trail. From Punaluu to Kaluanui Valley and streams on East side of Northern Koolaus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B.C. 1448 Oahu BISH 11/25/1956
66 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey field trip to punaluu, castle trail. from punaluu to kaluanui valley and streams on east side of northern koolaus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN stone, b.c. collector number: 1448 BISH 11/25/1956
67 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Punaluu Valley along Castle tail, Koolau Mts In small ravine. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Storey, W.B. 250 Oahu BISH 4/29/1934
68 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Koloa gulch talus slope; dense kukui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 1773 Oahu BISH 10/1/1984
69 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey hidden valley directly behind kaaawa. makai side of the small stream that runs throught the center of the valley The valley, at this elevation is an abandoned Hawaiian garden in which banana, kava, taro, yam, Touchardia, Boehmeria, and Pipturus are still growing. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN funk, e.j. palmer, d. collector number: 139 Oahu BISH 10/19/1980
70 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey kahana ditch trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 2021 Oahu BISH 2/24/1985
71 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Kipapa Gulch, Koolau Mts In dark gully off main stream. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Storey, W.B. 216 Oahu BISH 11/13/1932
72 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waiahole valley trail, beyond end of road in from hwy. 83 at waiahole, near waiahole river Plants growing on talus slope above dry stream bed. Growing with Psidium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN skog, l. skog, j.; imada, c. collector number: 7006 Oahu BISH 1/9/1986
73 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Koolau Mts., Hidden Valley above Kaaawa, Nr main stream fork Stream banks with Cyrtandra propinqua. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. 5416 Oahu BISH 3/8/1987
74 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waikane ditch trail Albizia, Aleurites, Touchardia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. imada, c.; tate, w. collector number: 1885 Oahu BISH 12/17/1984
75 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey castle trail in punaluu valley, koolau mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN storey, w.b. collector number: 137 Oahu BISH 7/4/1931
76 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waikane ditch trail, Puu Ohulihuli rubble slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 2015 Oahu BISH 2/24/1985
77 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waikane ditch trail, koolau mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN storey, w.b. collector number: 275 Oahu BISH 4/1/1934
78 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waikane Ditch Trail, Koolau Mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Storey, W.B. 275 Oahu BISH 4/1/1934
79 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey n kahaluu valley, koolau mts., small gulch moist forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN fosberg, f.r. collector number: 12196 Oahu BISH 7/4/1935
80 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waiahole valley trail beyond end of road in from hwy 83 at waiahole, near waiahole river. slope above Humuula, single plant found. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN l. e. skog, j. skog & c. imada 7006 Hawaii BISH 1/9/1986
81 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey trail leading to intake #20, waikane valley, koolau mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. storey 275 Maui BISH
82 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waianu mauka PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 2536 Oahu BISH 10/11/1985
83 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey koolau mts., waikane valley Albizia, Diospyros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN van royen, p. collector number: 10140 Oahu BISH 7/17/1967
84 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waiahole talus rubble; Touchardia, kukui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 2422 Oahu BISH 8/31/1985
85 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey hidden valley damp bank PRESERVED_SPECIMEN funk, e.j. collector number: s.n. Kauai BISH 2/22/1981
86 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey uwau, fountainhead PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. tanaka, a. collector number: 2533 Oahu BISH 11/2/1985
87 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waianu mauka Area overgrown with Clidemia hirta and Ardisia sp. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 2536 Oahu BISH 11/10/1985
88 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waikane Ditch trail Albizia, Aleurites, Touchardia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 1885 Oahu BISH 12/17/1984
89 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waikane ditch trail base of eroding basalt faces PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. imada, c.; tate, w. collector number: 1886 Oahu BISH 12/17/1984
90 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waiahole Valley Waterfall PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 1093 Oahu BISH 1/17/1909
91 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey koolau mts., castle trail forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wagner, w.l. et al. collector number: 5627 Oahu BISH 9/8/1985
92 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waikane, Schofield trail, Koolau Mts wet; Aleurites, Metrosideros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 24711 Oahu BISH 12/2/1951
93 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waiahole forest reserve, koolau mts Cultivated in living collections of Honolulu Botanical Gardens. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN spence, g. collector number: 54 Oahu BISH 5/6/1972
94 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waiahole Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J.F.C. 1093 Oahu BISH 1/17/1909
95 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Punaluu, Castle trail steep slope; guava, kukui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 1789 Oahu BISH 10/28/1984
96 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waiahole, above weedy streambed talus rubble PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 2424 Oahu BISH 8/31/1985
97 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey kaluanui, divide with punaluu, n channel at dike sheer PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. paquin, d. collector number: 3920 Oahu BISH 7/31/1988
98 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey punaluu, castle trail Metrosideros, Tetraplasandra, Cyanea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. pyle, l.; obata, j.; tate, w. collector number: 1789 Kauai BISH 10/28/1984
99 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey punaluu valley along castle tail, koolau mts dense rain forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN storey, w.b. collector number: 250 Molokai BISH 4/29/1934
100 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waiahole valley Wet ohia forest. Shaded PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 1093 Hawaii BISH 1/17/1909
101 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waihee Valley, S ridge moist forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 20235 Oahu BISH 5/11/1941
102 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey punaluu, head of valley Clidemia, Trema cannabina PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. tate, w. collector number: 2404 Oahu BISH 8/17/1985
103 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waipilopilo, hauula. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN otto degener degener 17720 MO 6/11/1940
104 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waiahole valley, gully between waianu and uwau streams PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. imada, c. collector number: 1869 Oahu BISH 12/2/1984
105 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Kipapa Gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hume, E.P. 100 Oahu BISH 2/15/1931
106 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waiahole valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 1093 NHA 1/17/1909
107 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Koolau Mts, Hidden Valley above Kaaawa, nr main stream fork. Stream banks. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 5416 Oahu PTBG 3/8/1987
108 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Koolau range, punaluu valley, along castle trail In woods PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Storey, W. B. 187 Oahu US 5/8/1932
109 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Koolau Mts.; Kaaawa Ridge to east of Makaua; Elev. 900- 1900 ft. windward gulches. Metrosideros-Dicranopteris Lowland Mesic to Wet Forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 5375 Oahu PTBG 7/12/1996
110 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waiahole Forest Reserve, Hidden Valley, above Kaaawa, between Kahana and Maakua and below Puumanamana Wet lowland windward Forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Natalia Tangalin 3760 Oahu PTBG 4/17/2014
111 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waiahole ditch trail. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. smith, j. lau 2867 SRP 6/12/1994
112 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waiahole Valley Trail beyond end of road in from Hwy 83 at Waiahole, near Waiahole River. On talus slope above dry stream bed PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Skog, L. E.; Skog, J. E.; Imada, C. T. 7006 Oahu US 1/9/1986
113 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waiahole valley trail beyond end of road in from hwy 83 at waiahole, near waiahole river. On talus slope above dry stream bed PRESERVED_SPECIMEN l. e. skog, j. skog & c. imada 7009 Oahu US 1/9/1986
114 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waihee, nw gulch Head of moist wooded gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 20249 Oahu US 6/1/1941
115 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waihee, nw gulch Head of moist wooded gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john 20249 Oahu US 6/1/1941
116 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Along castle trail and kaluanui valley Shaded valley along ascending trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stern, W. L. 1358 Oahu US 8/1/1961
117 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waiahole valley, wall of mountain, side of waterfall PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 1096 Hawaii US 1/17/1909
118 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waiahole Valley Trail beyond end of road in from Hwy 83 at Waiahole, near Waiahole River. On talus slope above dry stream bed PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Skog, L. E.; Skog, J. E.; Imada, C. T. 7009 Oahu US 1/9/1986
119 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey hauula valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener 17202 Oahu US 7/4/1940
120 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey punaluu (castle trail) koolau mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. oliveira 37 a Oahu US 10/23/1938
121 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Koolau Mts., Maakua Gulch, Hauula, Koolauloa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nagata, K. 2560 Oahu US 11/13/1982
122 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waiahole Valley Trail beyond end of road in from Hwy 83 at Waiahole, near Waiahole River. On talus slope above dry stream bed PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Skog, L. E.; Skog, J. E.; Imada, C. T. 7012 Oahu US 1/9/1986
123 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey PRESERVED_SPECIMEN l. e. skog 7006 US
124 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waiahole ditch trail. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. smith, j. lau 2866 Maui US 6/12/1994
125 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waikane-schofield trail, koolau range PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Yuncker, T. G. 3193 Oahu US 10/16/1932
126 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waihole forest reserve, koolau mts Along stream in waikane valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN g. spence 54 Oahu US 5/6/1972
127 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey PRESERVED_SPECIMEN l. e. skog 7008 US
128 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waihee valley, south ridge Moist forest, head of gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john & w. storey 20235 Oahu US 5/11/1941
129 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey castle trail, punaluu valley, first switch back. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN m. kiehn, j. obata, b. haus, t. takahama, p. cabanilla & p. baguistan 920909-3/3 Kauai US 9/9/1992
130 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey punaluu, castle trail, koolau range. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john 22694 Kauai US 7/27/1947
131 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waihole forest reserve, koolau mts Along stream in waikane valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Spence, G. 54 Oahu US 5/6/1972
132 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Castle trail, Punaluu Valley, first switch back. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kiehn, M.; Obata, J.; Haus, B.; Takahama, T.; Cabanilla, P.; Baguistan, P. 920909-3/3 Oahu US 9/9/1992
133 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Koolau range, punaluu valley, along castle trail In small ravine PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Storey, W. B. 250 Oahu US 4/29/1934
134 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey koolau range, punaluu valley, along castle trail PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. storey 187 Oahu US 5/8/1932
135 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Punaluu (castle trail) koolau mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Oliveira, J. M. 37 A Oahu US 10/23/1938
136 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Punaluu, Castle Trail, Koolau Range. In shaded gulch. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 22694 Oahu US 7/27/1947
137 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waihee valley, south ridge Moist forest, head of gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H.; Storey, W. B. 20235 Oahu US 5/11/1941
138 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey koolau range, punaluu valley, along castle trail In small ravine PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. storey 250 Oahu US 4/29/1934
139 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey koolau mts., maakua gulch, hauula, koolauloa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. nagata 2560 Oahu US 11/13/1982
140 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Hauula valley Rich, dark forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O. 17202 Oahu US 7/4/1940
141 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey laie trail, kahawainui gulch Highly disturbed forest of Metrosideros, Pisonia, Psidium and Albizia with Dicranopteris covered slopes. With Lantana, Wedelia, Blechnum and Cyclosorus. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 25959 Kauai BISH 3/25/1956
142 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey PRESERVED_SPECIMEN l. e. skog 7007 US
143 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waikane-schofield trail, koolau range PRESERVED_SPECIMEN t. g. yuncker 3193 Oahu US 10/16/1932
144 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey koolau range, kahaluu, n ridge On steep slope, fairly moist PRESERVED_SPECIMEN e. y. hosaka 1283 Oahu US 7/4/1935
145 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey punaluu, koolau mts., castle trail steep wet slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN fosberg, f.r. collector number: 12960 Oahu BISH 3/1/1936
146 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waiahole valley, gully between Waianu and Uwau streams PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 1869 Oahu BISH 12/2/1984
147 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waiahole valley trail beyond end of road in from hwy 83 at waiahole, near waiahole river. On talus slope above dry stream bed PRESERVED_SPECIMEN l. e. skog, j. skog & c. imada 7012 Oahu US 1/9/1986
148 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waikane ditch trail, near kahana divide slope; Clidemia, Touchardia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 2018 Oahu BISH 2/24/1985
149 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey exceedingly steep slopes above waikane camp on waikane stream, koolau range, 2.4 miles due west from waikane on pacific ocean On slippery wet clay, in secondary forest of Albizia and other planted introductions, and with Metrosideros collina, Aleurites, Cibotium (3 spp.), Cyrtandra spp., Straussia, Scaevola gaudichaudiana, Ardisia crispa and Solanum auriculatum (S. carterianum Rock, a supposed Hawaiian endemic) and inpenetrable thickets of Gleichenia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN iltis, h.h. ewan, j.; van royen, p.; anderson, d. collector number: 322 Oahu BISH 7/17/1967
150 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Punaluu, Koolau Mts., Castle trail steep wet slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Fosberg, F.R. 12960 Oahu BISH 3/1/1936
151 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Koolau Mts., Punaluu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Selling, O. 3673 Oahu BISH 9/27/1938
152 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waiahole valley trail, beyond end of road in from hwy. 83 at waiahole, near waiahole river PRESERVED_SPECIMEN skog, l. skog, j.; imada, c. collector number: 7008 Oahu BISH 1/9/1986
153 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey koolau mts., hidden valley above kaaawa, nr main stream fork Stream banks with Cyrtandra propinqua. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN perlman, s.p. obata, j. collector number: 5416 Oahu BISH 3/8/1987
154 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey along castle trail and kaluanui valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. l. stern 1358 Oahu BISH
155 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Punaluu, Castle trail steep slope; guava, kukui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 1793 Oahu BISH 10/28/1984
156 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Hidden Valley directly behind Kaaawa. Makai side of the small stream that runs throught the center of the valley The valley, at this elevation is an abandoned Hawaiian garden in which banana, kava, taro, yam, Touchardia, Boehmeria, and Pipturus are still growing. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Funk, E.J. 139 Oahu BISH 10/19/1980
157 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey N Kahaluu Valley, Koolau Mts., small gulch moist forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Fosberg, F.R. 12196 Oahu BISH 7/4/1935
158 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey stream mauka of waiahole camp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 2580 Kauai BISH 12/14/1985
159 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Koolau Mts., Castle trail forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wagner, W.L. 5627 Oahu BISH 9/8/1985
160 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Hidden Valley, Kaaawa, Koolau Mts Musa, Aleurites, Pipturus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nagata, K.M. 2179 Oahu BISH 10/9/1980
161 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waikane ditch trail, puu ohulihuli rubble slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 2015 Oahu BISH 2/24/1985
162 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Koolau range, kahaluu, n ridge On steep slope, fairly moist PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hosaka, E. Y. 1283 Oahu US 7/4/1935
163 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waianu mauka colluvial slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. s.n. Oahu BISH 11/1/1985
164 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey punaluu, head of valley, base of cliffs Boehmeria, Clidemia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. tate, w. collector number: 2403 Oahu BISH 8/17/1985
165 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waihee valley, head of nw gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 20249 Hawaii BISH 6/1/1941
166 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waikane ditch trail, puu ohulihuli PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 2015 Pearl And Hermes Reef BISH 2/24/1985
167 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waiahole Ditch Trail, side gully, flume 26 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Stone, B.C. 1255 Oahu BISH 4/29/1956
168 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waiahole Valley Trail, beyond end of road in from hwy. 83 at Waiahole, near Waiahole River Plants growing on talus slope above dry stream bed. Growing with Psidium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Skog, L. 7006 Oahu BISH 1/9/1986
169 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Castle trail, Punaluu Valley, first switch back, steep slopes near small waterfall. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Michael Kiehn MK-920909-3/3 Oahu PTBG 9/9/1992
170 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey kahana ditch trail, puu ohulehule Psidium, Clidemia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 2021 Oahu BISH 2/24/1985
171 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waikane ditch trail, near Kahana divide slope; Clidemia, Touchardia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 2018 Oahu BISH 2/24/1985
172 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey koloa gulch talus slope; dense kukui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. tate, w. collector number: 1773 Oahu BISH 10/1/1984
173 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waiahole Forest Reserve, Koolau Mts Along stream in Waikane Valley. In shade of Albieza. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Spence, G. 54 Oahu BISH 5/6/1972
174 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Kahana ditch trail, Puu Ohulehule Psidium, Clidemia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 2021 Oahu BISH 2/24/1985
175 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey punaluu, castle trail wet gully PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. pyle, l.; obata, j.; tate, w. collector number: 1788 Oahu BISH 10/28/1984
176 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Hidden Valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Funk, E.J. 155 Oahu BISH 5/22/1981
177 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waikane ditch trail, near kahana divide PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. collector number: 2012 Oahu BISH 2/24/1985
178 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Waihee Valley, head of NW gulch moist, wooded PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 20249 Oahu BISH 6/1/1941
179 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Koolauloa District, Castle Trail In wet region; associated with Cyrtandra, Touchardia, Metrosideros, Pipturus, Clermontia, Scaevola. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Herbst, D.R. 1155 Oahu BISH 6/20/1968
180 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Koolau Mts., Castle trail gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wagner, W.L. 5633 Oahu BISH 9/8/1985
181 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey head of Punaluu valley, streambed Clidemia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Takeuchi, W.N. 2394 Oahu BISH 8/17/1985
182 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey waihee valley, s ridge moist forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. storey, w. collector number: 20235 Oahu BISH 5/11/1941
183 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Koolau Mts., Waikane Valley Albizia, Diospyros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN van Royen, P. 10140 Oahu BISH 7/17/1967
184 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey Castle Trail in Punaluu Valley, Koolau Mts Growing on edge of trail. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Storey, W.B. 124 Oahu BISH 1/11/1931
185 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey uwau talus slopes PRESERVED_SPECIMEN takeuchi, w.n. tanaka, a. collector number: 2535 Oahu BISH 11/2/1985
186 Cyrtandra calpidicarpa (Rock) H.St.John & Storey unknown PRESERVED_SPECIMEN collector number: 2019 BISH