Heteranthera reniformis

Ruiz & Pav. (1798)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Monocots Order: Commelinales Family: Pontederiaceae Genus: Heteranthera

kidneyleaf mudplantain


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Annual or facultatively perennial aquatic herb rooted in mud.

Stems: Vegetative stems submersed with elongate internodes, or emersed and procumbent, flowering stems 1–9 cm, distal internode 0.5–4 cm.

Roots: Fibrous root system.

Leaves: Leaves simple. Sessile leaves forming a basal rosette; petiolate leaves floating or emersed. Blades dimorphic, sessile Blades linear to oblanceolate; petiolate blades reniform, length equal to or less than width. Margins entire. Petioles 2–13 cm. Stipules present on petiolate leaves, 1–5 cm.

Flowers: Flowers in inflorescences spicate, 2–8–flowered, elongating in 1 day, usually shorter than spathes, terminal flower sometimes extending beyond spathe apex; spathes 0.8–5.5 cm, glabrous; peduncle 0.5–4.2 cm, glabrous. Flowers bisexual (perfect), opening ca. 3 hours after sunrise, wilting by early afternoon. Perianth white, salverform, tube 5–10 mm, limbs zygomorphic, lobes narrowly elliptic, 3–6.5 mm, distal central lobe with yellow or green region at base, sometimes with distal brown spot. Stamens unequal, lateral ones 0.9–2.2 mm long; filaments linear, pubescent with white multicellular hairs toward apex; central stamen 2.2–4.7 mm; filament sparsely pubescent with multicellular hairs. Ovary superior; styles pubescent with multicellular hairs.

Fruit: Capsules elongate. Seeds 8–14–winged; 0.5–0.9 × 0.3–0.5 mm.

Ploidy: 2n = 2n = 48


Elevation Range:

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

O'ahu Naturalized

Dispersal Agents

Other Animals

Vegetative Reproduction




Name Published In: Fl. Peruv. 1: 43 (1798)

Other References

Frohlich & Lau 2014:14 (NEWNAT/O, DESCR)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Heteranthera reniformis Ruiz & Pav. waihee valley, in lo'i off of waihee rd., mauka of ahilama rd. Wet to mesic lowlands, residential and agricultural setting. Wetland plant growing exclusively in lo'i patches, both when submerged but also when dried out PRESERVED_SPECIMEN beachy, j. gustine-lee, j. collector number: usarmy 320 Oahu BISH 7/20/2013
2 Heteranthera reniformis Ruiz & Pav. Waihee valley, in lo'i off of Waihee Rd., mauka of Ahilama rd. Wet to mesic lowlands, residential and agricultural setting. Wetland plant growing exclusively in lo'i patches, both when submerged but also when dried out PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Beachy, J. Gustine-Lee, J. Collector Number: USARMY 320 Oahu BISH 7/20/2013
3 Heteranthera reniformis Ruiz & Pav. Waihee valley, in lo'i off of Waihee Rd., mauka of Ahilama rd. Wet to mesic lowlands, residential and agricultural setting. Wetland plant growing exclusively in lo'i patches, both when submerged but also when dried out PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Beachy, J. USARMY 320 Oahu BISH 7/20/2013
4 Heteranthera reniformis Ruiz & Pav. Waihee valley, in loi off of Waihee Road, mauka of Ahilama road. Wet to mesic lowlands, residential and agricultural setting. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN J. Beachy USArmy 32 Oahu PTBG 7/20/2013