SNo. | Scientific Name | Scientific Name Authorship | Locality | Habitat | Basis of Record | Recorded By | Record Number | Island | Source | Date |
1 | Adenium obesum | (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. | Koko Crater rim trail, well above Garden collection. | Dry open rocky lowland steep slope. Growing among Koa haole, Euphorbia ingens, Cynanchum gerrardii. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | OED | 2012031903 | Oahu | BISH | 3/19/2012 |
2 | Adenium obesum | (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. | allerton estate at lawai kai, lawai valley; koloa district | In jungle garden on W side of valley where plantings begin behind beach. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | flynn, t. lorence, d.h. | collector number: 5782 | Kauai | BISH | 4/10/1995 |
3 | Adenium obesum | (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. | Koko Crater rim trail, well above Garden collection. | Dry open rocky lowland steep slope. Growing among Koa haole, Euphorbia ingens, Cynanchum gerrardii. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | OED Lau, A.; Frohlich, D. | Collector Number: 2012031903 | Oahu | BISH | 3/19/2012 |
4 | Adenium obesum | (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. | honolulu, foster botanic garden | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lyon, h.l. | collector number: s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 5/18/1954 | |
5 | Adenium obesum | (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. | home of mr. & mrs. wm. h. jones, 98-851 iliee st., aiea | old aa lava | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | jones, w.h. | collector number: s.n. | Hawaii | BISH | 1/30/1986 |
6 | Adenium obesum | (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. | Kahana, north side of Pohakukaanapali Gulch. | Cultivated plant. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hank Oppenheimer | H21004 | Maui | PTBG | 2/16/2010 |
7 | Adenium obesum | (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. | honolulu, niu area, oka nursery & landscaping, 445 halaki st | Rock pools in wave surge zone | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lau, j. cory, c. | collector number: 1947 | Hawaii | BISH | 2/3/1986 |
8 | Adenium obesum | (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. | Lawai Valley. Cultivated plants of the Allerton Estate at Lawai Kai. In jungle garden on W side of valley where plantings begin behind beach. | Cultivated. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Tim Flynn | 5782 | Kauai | PTBG | 4/10/1995 |
9 | Adenium obesum | (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. | Allerton Estate at Lawai Kai, Lawai Valley; Koloa District | In jungle garden on W side of valley where plantings begin behind beach. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Flynn, T. | 5782 | Kauai | BISH | 4/10/1995 |
10 | Adenium obesum | (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. | Honolulu, Foster Botanic Garden | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lyon, H.L. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 5/18/1954 | |
11 | Adenium obesum | (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. | Home of Mr. & Mrs. Wm. H. Jones, 98-851 Iliee St., Aiea | Cultivated; potted. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Jones, W.H. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 1/30/1986 |
12 | Adenium obesum | (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. | Honolulu, Niu area, Oka Nursery & Landscaping, 445 Halaki St | Potted in full sun. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lau, J. | 1947 | Oahu | BISH | 2/3/1986 |
13 | Adenium obesum | (Forssk.) Roem. & Schult. | koko crater rim trail, well above garden collection. | Dry open rocky lowland steep slope. Growing among Koa haole, Euphorbia ingens, Cynanchum gerrardii. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | oed lau, a.; frohlich, d. | collector number: 2012031903 | Oahu | BISH | 3/19/2012 |