Portulaca molokiniensis

Hobdy (1988)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-CoreEudicot Order: Caryophyllales Family: Portulacaceae Genus: Portulaca

‘ihi [ihi]



Key Characters:

Growth Form: Stout perennial herbs.

Stems: Older stems with a pale, corky layer of secondary growth, usually branched at or slightly beneath the ground, forming clumps to 2.5–5 dm in diameter.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Alternate or opposite, clustered along the apical portion of stem. Blades imbricate, decussate, broadly obovate, 40–45 mm long, 20–55 mm wide, upper ones occasionally involucrate around the flowers, succulent, tuft of hairs in the axil. Margins entire. Sessile or subsessile, with a tuft of hairs 1.5–3 mm long in the axil. Stipules 2, connate basally.

Flowers: Flowers in dense headlike clusters at the ends of long leafless internodes 5–13.5 cm long, these rarely with 1–2 leaves, the inflorescence closely subtended by 4 involucrate leaves. Flowers bisexual (perfect), actinomorphic or rarely slightly irregular, sessile. Calyx of 2 sepals; sepals imbricate, persistent, 8–10 mm long, apex rounded. Corolla of 4–6(–8) petals; petals bright lemon yellow, obcordate, 12– 18 mm long, distinct or connate at base, imbricate. Stamens 40–55, in clusters inserted on nectary disk with a dense mat of yellow papillae at base; filaments usually puberulent; anthers dithecal, opening by longitudinal slits.

Fruit: Capsules membranous; ovoid; 8–9 mm long; circumscissile slightly below middle. Seeds dark brown; reniform; 0.7–0.9 mm long; cells of the seed coat with blunt–tipped spines 0.05 mm long; the surface of fresh seeds glistening and somewhat sticky.


Habitat: Rare in coastal sites; in volcanic tuff; detritus at the base of sea cliffs; and on steep rocky slopes.

Elevation Range: 10–115 m.

Historical Distribution


Uses and Culture



  • The 1/4 inch fruits of Portulaca molokiniensis are capsules shaped like pointed eggs and are filled with dark-brown to black, slightly sticky seeds. The capsules split open when ripe. To collect seeds, place mature unopened fruit in a container such as a paper bag and allow them to open naturally. Sow the seeds on the surface of moist, sterile, well draining mix such as 2 parts perlite and 1 part potting soil. Do not cover the seeds with planting mix. Germination takes about 2 (Koob) to 3 (NTBG) months. (Koob 1998; NTBG 1992)
  • Portulaca molokiniensis is easy to grow from tip cuttings. Cuttings should be 2 to 5 inches long and the upper foliage should be left on the cutting. Cuttings should be allowed to dry (callous) for a day or so before planting.
  • Koob suggests rooting the cuttings in moist coarse sand or perlite. NTBG suggests a very light potting mix such as 3 parts perlite to 1 part vermiculite. Oasis (floral foam) cubes can also be used. Water only when dry, generally every other day. Rooting takes 2 to 3 weeks. (Bornhorst 1996; Koob 1998; NTBG 1992) [Data from Herring, E. C., & Criley, R. A. (2003). The Hawaiian Native Plant Propagation Web Site: Developing a Webbased Information Resource. HortTechnology, 13(3), 545-548. https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/hawnprop/]

Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

O'ahu Only found in cultivation
Kaho'olawe Endemic
Maui Endemic

Dispersal Agents



Name Published In: Pacific Sci. 41: 64 (1987 publ. 1988)

Other References

Wagner et al. 1990:1072 (EM, Ka); Staples & Herbst 2005:465 (KEY, DESCR)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Inner slopes of Lalilahi Point up to lighthouse PreservedSpecimen Hobdy, R.W. Collector Number: 1244 Molokini Islet BISH Specimen 2/14/1982
2 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy the residence of j. lau, punahou area, 1940 manoa road In full sun. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lau, j. collector number: 2393 Oahu BISH 5/16/1986
3 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Collected between Keana and Kahuku on the NE facing inner slope of Molokini Island In a Nicotiana glauca - Cenchrus ciliaris dominant grassland. PreservedSpecimen Clarke, G. Collector Number: 408 Molokini Islet BISH Specimen 4/23/1980
4 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy West rim of Maunalei Gulch. Growing on rocky ledges in a small gully just above where it drops off into Maunalei. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hobdy, R.W. 3280 Lanai BISH 2/4/1991
5 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy molokini islet; inner slopes of lalilahi point up to lighthouse PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hobdy, r.w. collector number: 1244 Maui BISH 2/14/1982
6 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Puu Koae Islet Scattered about on ledges above 150 ft. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hobdy, R.W. s.n. Kahoolawe BISH 2/11/1984
7 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Molokini Islet; inner slopes of Lalilahi Point up to lighthouse PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hobdy, R.W. 1244 Maui BISH 2/14/1982
8 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy puu koae island, small island along s coast PRESERVED_SPECIMEN higashino, p.k. stemmermann, r.l.; c.morgan, stemmermann, m. collector number: 8061 Oahu BISH 11/27/1978
9 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Kamohio Bay. East wall of bay. Growing on tallus slope. Also present Capparis sandwichiana. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Higashino, P.K. 8050 Kahoolawe BISH 11/27/1978
10 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Palmer, H. 2 Molokini BISH 10/13/1925
11 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy cultivated at waimea arboretum/waimea falls park. (source: lana'i. ntbg coll.). dna collection in silica gel. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN waimea arboretum waimea arboretum s.n. #23 MO 9/15/1997
12 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy W side of Kamohio Bay Large talus slope, 60°, W exposure. 25 plants, most growing mid slope of talus. Growing with Prosopis, Euphorbia, Capparis, Nicotiana, Jacquemontia, & Boerhavia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. 388 Kahoolawe BISH 4/22/1980
13 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy cultivated at waimea arboretum/waimea falls park. (source: kahoolawe. ntbg 925067). dna collection in silica gel. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN waimea arboretum waimea arboretum s.n. #24 MO 9/15/1997
14 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Aleale stack, near Puu Koae; elev. 10-90 m. Mixed native coastal shrubland. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 1732 Kahoolawe PTBG 3/18/1992
15 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Off shore islet; Elev. 30-90 m Mixed Native Coastal Shrubland. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 2943 Puu Koae Islet PTBG 1/25/1994
16 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy The residence of J. Lau, Punahou area, 1940 Manoa Road In full sun. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lau, J. 2393 Oahu BISH 5/16/1986
17 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Kahoolawe. Top SW peak. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 4291 Puu Koae Islet PTBG 6/12/1995
18 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy pu`ukoa`e PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kahoolawe US
19 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Puu Koae island, small island along S coast Growing on tallus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Higashino, P.K. 8061 Kahoolawe BISH 11/27/1978
20 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy w side of kamohio bay PRESERVED_SPECIMEN clarke, g. corn, c. collector number: 388 Oahu BISH 4/22/1980
21 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy molokini islet; collected between keana and kahuku on the ne facing inner slope of molokini island PRESERVED_SPECIMEN clarke, g. collector number: 408 Kauai BISH 4/23/1980
22 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Molokini Islet; collected between Keana and Kahuku on the NE facing inner slope of Molokini Island In a Nicotiana glauca - Cenchrus ciliaris dominant grassland. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. 408 Maui BISH 4/23/1980
23 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy puu koae islet Scattered about on ledges above 150 ft. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hobdy, r.w. collector number: s.n. Kahoolawe BISH 2/11/1984
24 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Molokini PreservedSpecimen Forbes, C.N. Stokes, J.F.G.; Cooke, C.M.; Pilsbry, H.A. Collector Number: s.n. Molokini Islet BISH Specimen 2/10/1913
25 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Inner slopes of Lalilahi Point up to lighthouse PreservedSpecimen Hobdy, R.W. Collector Number: 1244 Molokini Islet BISH Specimen 2/14/1982
26 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy the residence of j. lau, punahou area, 1940 manoa road In full sun. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lau, j. collector number: 2393 Oahu BISH 5/16/1986
27 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Collected between Keana and Kahuku on the NE facing inner slope of Molokini Island In a Nicotiana glauca - Cenchrus ciliaris dominant grassland. PreservedSpecimen Clarke, G. Collector Number: 408 Molokini Islet BISH Specimen 4/23/1980
28 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy West rim of Maunalei Gulch. Growing on rocky ledges in a small gully just above where it drops off into Maunalei. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hobdy, R.W. 3280 Lanai BISH 2/4/1991
29 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy molokini islet; inner slopes of lalilahi point up to lighthouse PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hobdy, r.w. collector number: 1244 Maui BISH 2/14/1982
30 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Puu Koae Islet Scattered about on ledges above 150 ft. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hobdy, R.W. s.n. Kahoolawe BISH 2/11/1984
31 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Molokini Islet; inner slopes of Lalilahi Point up to lighthouse PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hobdy, R.W. 1244 Maui BISH 2/14/1982
32 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy puu koae island, small island along s coast PRESERVED_SPECIMEN higashino, p.k. stemmermann, r.l.; c.morgan, stemmermann, m. collector number: 8061 Oahu BISH 11/27/1978
33 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Kamohio Bay. East wall of bay. Growing on tallus slope. Also present Capparis sandwichiana. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Higashino, P.K. 8050 Kahoolawe BISH 11/27/1978
34 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Palmer, H. 2 Molokini BISH 10/13/1925
35 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy cultivated at waimea arboretum/waimea falls park. (source: lana'i. ntbg coll.). dna collection in silica gel. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN waimea arboretum waimea arboretum s.n. #23 MO 9/15/1997
36 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy W side of Kamohio Bay Large talus slope, 60°, W exposure. 25 plants, most growing mid slope of talus. Growing with Prosopis, Euphorbia, Capparis, Nicotiana, Jacquemontia, & Boerhavia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. 388 Kahoolawe BISH 4/22/1980
37 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy cultivated at waimea arboretum/waimea falls park. (source: kahoolawe. ntbg 925067). dna collection in silica gel. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN waimea arboretum waimea arboretum s.n. #24 MO 9/15/1997
38 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Aleale stack, near Puu Koae; elev. 10-90 m. Mixed native coastal shrubland. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 1732 Kahoolawe PTBG 3/18/1992
39 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Off shore islet; Elev. 30-90 m Mixed Native Coastal Shrubland. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 2943 Puu Koae Islet PTBG 1/25/1994
40 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy The residence of J. Lau, Punahou area, 1940 Manoa Road In full sun. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lau, J. 2393 Oahu BISH 5/16/1986
41 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Kahoolawe. Top SW peak. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 4291 Puu Koae Islet PTBG 6/12/1995
42 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy pu`ukoa`e PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kahoolawe US
43 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Puu Koae island, small island along S coast Growing on tallus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Higashino, P.K. 8061 Kahoolawe BISH 11/27/1978
44 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy w side of kamohio bay PRESERVED_SPECIMEN clarke, g. corn, c. collector number: 388 Oahu BISH 4/22/1980
45 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy molokini islet; collected between keana and kahuku on the ne facing inner slope of molokini island PRESERVED_SPECIMEN clarke, g. collector number: 408 Kauai BISH 4/23/1980
46 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Molokini Islet; collected between Keana and Kahuku on the NE facing inner slope of Molokini Island In a Nicotiana glauca - Cenchrus ciliaris dominant grassland. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. 408 Maui BISH 4/23/1980
47 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy puu koae islet Scattered about on ledges above 150 ft. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hobdy, r.w. collector number: s.n. Kahoolawe BISH 2/11/1984
48 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Molokini PreservedSpecimen Forbes, C.N. Stokes, J.F.G.; Cooke, C.M.; Pilsbry, H.A. Collector Number: s.n. Molokini Islet BISH Specimen 2/10/1913
49 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Inner slopes of Lalilahi Point up to lighthouse PreservedSpecimen Hobdy, R.W. Collector Number: 1244 Molokini Islet BISH Specimen 2/14/1982
50 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy the residence of j. lau, punahou area, 1940 manoa road In full sun. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lau, j. collector number: 2393 Oahu BISH 5/16/1986
51 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Collected between Keana and Kahuku on the NE facing inner slope of Molokini Island In a Nicotiana glauca - Cenchrus ciliaris dominant grassland. PreservedSpecimen Clarke, G. Collector Number: 408 Molokini Islet BISH Specimen 4/23/1980
52 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy West rim of Maunalei Gulch. Growing on rocky ledges in a small gully just above where it drops off into Maunalei. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hobdy, R.W. 3280 Lanai BISH 2/4/1991
53 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy molokini islet; inner slopes of lalilahi point up to lighthouse PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hobdy, r.w. collector number: 1244 Maui BISH 2/14/1982
54 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Puu Koae Islet Scattered about on ledges above 150 ft. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hobdy, R.W. s.n. Kahoolawe BISH 2/11/1984
55 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Molokini Islet; inner slopes of Lalilahi Point up to lighthouse PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hobdy, R.W. 1244 Maui BISH 2/14/1982
56 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy puu koae island, small island along s coast PRESERVED_SPECIMEN higashino, p.k. stemmermann, r.l.; c.morgan, stemmermann, m. collector number: 8061 Oahu BISH 11/27/1978
57 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Kamohio Bay. East wall of bay. Growing on tallus slope. Also present Capparis sandwichiana. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Higashino, P.K. 8050 Kahoolawe BISH 11/27/1978
58 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Palmer, H. 2 Molokini BISH 10/13/1925
59 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy cultivated at waimea arboretum/waimea falls park. (source: lana'i. ntbg coll.). dna collection in silica gel. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN waimea arboretum waimea arboretum s.n. #23 MO 9/15/1997
60 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy W side of Kamohio Bay Large talus slope, 60°, W exposure. 25 plants, most growing mid slope of talus. Growing with Prosopis, Euphorbia, Capparis, Nicotiana, Jacquemontia, & Boerhavia. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. 388 Kahoolawe BISH 4/22/1980
61 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy cultivated at waimea arboretum/waimea falls park. (source: kahoolawe. ntbg 925067). dna collection in silica gel. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN waimea arboretum waimea arboretum s.n. #24 MO 9/15/1997
62 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Aleale stack, near Puu Koae; elev. 10-90 m. Mixed native coastal shrubland. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 1732 Kahoolawe PTBG 3/18/1992
63 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Off shore islet; Elev. 30-90 m Mixed Native Coastal Shrubland. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 2943 Puu Koae Islet PTBG 1/25/1994
64 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy The residence of J. Lau, Punahou area, 1940 Manoa Road In full sun. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Lau, J. 2393 Oahu BISH 5/16/1986
65 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Kahoolawe. Top SW peak. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 4291 Puu Koae Islet PTBG 6/12/1995
66 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy pu`ukoa`e PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Kahoolawe US
67 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Puu Koae island, small island along S coast Growing on tallus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Higashino, P.K. 8061 Kahoolawe BISH 11/27/1978
68 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy w side of kamohio bay PRESERVED_SPECIMEN clarke, g. corn, c. collector number: 388 Oahu BISH 4/22/1980
69 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy molokini islet; collected between keana and kahuku on the ne facing inner slope of molokini island PRESERVED_SPECIMEN clarke, g. collector number: 408 Kauai BISH 4/23/1980
70 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Molokini Islet; collected between Keana and Kahuku on the NE facing inner slope of Molokini Island In a Nicotiana glauca - Cenchrus ciliaris dominant grassland. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Clarke, G. 408 Maui BISH 4/23/1980
71 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy puu koae islet Scattered about on ledges above 150 ft. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hobdy, r.w. collector number: s.n. Kahoolawe BISH 2/11/1984
72 Portulaca molokiniensis Hobdy Molokini PreservedSpecimen Forbes, C.N. Stokes, J.F.G.; Cooke, C.M.; Pilsbry, H.A. Collector Number: s.n. Molokini Islet BISH Specimen 2/10/1913