SNo. | Scientific Name | Scientific Name Authorship | Locality | Habitat | Basis of Record | Recorded By | Record Number | Island | Source | Date |
1 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | grove farm nursery | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lyon, h.l. | Kauai | BISH | 5/29/1926 | ||
2 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Lyon Arboretum, Middle Lawn Makai | Growing on well drained slope in open sun. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Spence, G. | 389 | Oahu | BISH | 8/1/1976 |
3 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | West Maui, top of Kealalola Ridge above McGregor Point | dense ohia-Styphetic thicket on steep side of gulley | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Brenan, J.P.M. | 15195 | Maui | BISH | 2/16/1985 |
4 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Koloa, Laaukahi | forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | St. John, H. | 13447 | Kauai | BISH | 12/22/1933 |
5 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kohala Mts., Puu Kawaiwai | few trees remaining from former forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | St. John, H. | 11504 | Hawaii | BISH | 1/2/1932 |
6 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Puu Kawai, Waimea | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Rock, J.F.C. | 3982 | Hawaii | BISH | 7/24/1909 | |
7 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kaa, kanepuu | windswept, open, with alien grasses and shrubs | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lorence, d.h. | collector number: 6687 | Lanai | BISH | 1/20/1991 |
8 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | east maui, kanaio | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | medeiros, a.c. | collector number: 353 | Maui | BISH | 12/4/1982 | |
9 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | w maui, hanaula, ukumekame district, head of papalaua gulch | With Styphelia; Santalum freycinetianum var. auwahiense; and Dodonaea. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | medeiros, a.c. | collector number: 541 | Maui | BISH | 9/27/1983 |
10 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | East Molokai, Kamiloloa | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hobdy, R.W. | 2357 | Molokai | BISH | 4/17/1985 | |
11 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | wsw of puu nene | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | oppenheimer, h.l. perlman, s. | collector number: h30816 | Kure Atoll | BISH | 3/27/2008 | |
12 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Hanalei District; Kalalau Valley; helicopter drop on isolated ridge below and W of first lookout | Panicum lineale-Wilkesia gymnoxiphium dry to mesic cliffs w/ Canthium, Poa mannii, Metrosideros, Dodonaea, Chamaesyce celastroides. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Wood, K.R. | 3011 | Kauai | BISH | 2/27/1994 |
13 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kawaihae 2. Near Puu Makea Crater, Kohola | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Ozaki, E.T. | 1365 | Hawaii | BISH | 12/30/1954 | |
14 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kohala Mountains | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lamoureux, C.H. | 2757 | Hawaii | BISH | 6/18/1964 | |
15 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | south kohala district: kohala mountains, "koaia tree sanctuary" of state forestry dept., along highway 250 at 5.5 miles nw of waimea | remnants of low dry forest dominated by Acacia koaia with Myoporum, Chenopodium and exotic grasses | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lorence, d.h. flynn, t. | collector number: 6073 | Hawaii | BISH | 6/29/1988 |
16 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | koloa, laaukahi | forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | st.john, h. fosberg, f.r. | collector number: 13447 | Kauai | BISH | 12/22/1933 |
17 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | east maui, makawao district, east, puu o kali | lava | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | hobdy, r.w. | collector number: 1903 | Maui | BISH | 1/13/1984 |
18 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | puuwaawaa, on the huluhulu escarpment transect (t16), from the main colony | Native remnant forest. On grassy slopes. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | takeuchi, w.n. | collector number: 5814 | Hawaii | BISH | 5/1/1989 |
19 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kauai | forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | St. John, H. | 24919 | Kauai | BISH | 12/31/1952 |
20 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | koaia tree sanctuary, 5 mi n. of waimea | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | little jr., e.l. | collector number: 31079 | Molokai | BISH | 8/18/1976 | |
21 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | princeville area, on the brow of a ravine slope above anini beach park | Associated vegetation: ohia lehua, hapuu tree fern. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | montgomery, s.l. | collector number: s.n. | Kauai | BISH | 4/7/2009 |
22 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kalae | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | hillebrand, w.b. | collector number: s.n. | Molokai | BISH | 1870-06-01 | |
23 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | hanalei valley | woodland | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | brenan, j.p.m. brenan, j.h.; wichman, c. | collector number: 15211 | Kauai | BISH | 2/23/1985 |
24 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | N. Kohala | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Bryan, L.W. | s.n. | Hawaii | BISH | 5/15/1956 | |
25 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | olinda forest reserve | gulch slopes | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o. | collector number: 22110 | Maui | BISH | 3/26/1952 |
26 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | East Molokai, Kamiloloa | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hobdy, R.W. | 2358 | Molokai | BISH | 4/17/1985 | |
27 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | 4 mi from Kamuela toward Kohala | along road, dry forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O. | 3899 | Hawaii | BISH | 3/22/1930 |
28 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kawaihae 2. near puu makea crater, kohola | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | ozaki, e.t. | collector number: 1365 | Hawaii | BISH | 12/30/1954 | |
29 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kapaa, Kalepa ridge | steep slope, Psidium cattleianum | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Montgomery, S.L. | s.n. | Kauai | BISH | 6/10/1987 |
30 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kanaio NAR, W side, N of old horse trail | Dodonaea, Wikstroemia, Osteomeles, Leptecophylla, Lantana, Melinis, Asplenium, Pellaea, Plectranthus, Diospyros, Bocconia, Schinus, Bidens pilosa, Peperomia, Cocculus, Ipomoea, Nothocestrum, Reynoldsia; aa flow | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Oppenheimer, H.L. | H50801 | Maui | BISH | 5/13/2008 |
31 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | koaia gulch, se | arid; with Melia, Schinus terebinthifolius, Dodonaea, Styphelia, Melinis minutiflora; S side near top of ridge | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | herbst, d.r. spence, g. | collector number: 4030 | Lanai | BISH | 6/11/1974 |
32 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kapaa, kalepa ridge | steep slope, Psidium cattleianum | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | montgomery, s.l. | collector number: s.n. | Kauai | BISH | 6/10/1987 |
33 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Princeville area, on the brow of a ravine slope above Anini Beach Park | Associated vegetation: ohia lehua, hapuu tree fern. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Montgomery, S.L. | s.n. | Kauai | BISH | 4/7/2009 |
34 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kawaihau District. Anahola. Moloaa Forest Reserve | Dicranopteris covered slope just below ridge top. W/Metrosideros, Acacia koaia, Psidium, and Bobea emergent | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Flynn, T. | 7772 | Kauai | BISH | 3/20/2014 |
35 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | above puu kawaiwai, kohala | On dry weedy slope w/ scattered small trees. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | fosberg, f.r. | collector number: 42127 | Hawaii | BISH | 9/10/1961 |
36 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | lyon arboretum | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | spence, g. | collector number: 389 | Oahu | BISH | ||
37 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | hanalei distr., na pali coast trail, ca. 1 mi. sw of kee beach, just ne of hanakapiai valley | North-facing slope with Pandanus, Acacia, scattered Metrosideros, and dense stands of Dicranopteris. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lorence, d.h. flynn, t.; jamieson, d.; decker, c.; talbot, j. | collector number: 5783 | Kauai | BISH | 2/12/1988 |
38 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kawaihai-uka | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | davis, c.j. | Oahu | BISH | 1/21/1959 | ||
39 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | along road to hawi, north kohala district | sunny exposed barren clay slope | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | niimoto, d. | collector number: s.n. | Molokai | BISH | 1/8/1984 |
40 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | paunau-kuhua divide | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | st.john, h. jones, s. | collector number: 17692 | BISH | 12/19/1936 | ||
41 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Waimea District, Koaie, dividing ridge between Hipalau and Kawaiiki | mixed mesic forest, summer dry, steep slopes and cliff habitat Diospyros sandwicensis, Acacia koaia, Planchonella sandwicensis, Santalum pyrularium, Dracaena aurea, Myrsine lanaiensis, Rauvolfia sandwicensis, Psydrax odorata, Hibiscus waimeae, Flueggea neowawraea | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Wood, K.R. | 15348 | Kauai | BISH | 1/23/2013 |
42 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | palawai basin, se corner | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | munro, g.c. | collector number: s.n. | French Frigate Shoals | BISH | 4/19/1926 | |
43 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | hanalei valley | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | brenan, j.p.m. brenan, j.h.; plews, j.; wichman, c. | collector number: 15209 | Maui | BISH | 2/23/1985 | |
44 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | puuwaawaa | moist gulch, forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | meebold, a. | Oahu | BISH | 5/1/1932 | |
45 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | palawai basin, se corner | small grove, on rocky slopes | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | munro, g.c. | collector number: s.n. | Lanai | BISH | 8/19/1926 |
46 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Hanalei Valley | Forehills. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O. | 21405 | Kauai | BISH | 1/29/1950 |
47 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | East Maui, Makawao District, East, Puu o Kali | lava | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hobdy, R.W. | 1903 | Maui | BISH | 1/13/1984 |
48 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Off main Hwy. to Kokee from Waimea Town, West side of Hwy. in road-cut about 2 miles before junction of Rim Road and Kokee Road | Degraded Dodonaea Shrubland. W/ Leptecophylla, Santalum ellipticum, Lipochaeta connata, Eragrostis variabilis, Bidens sandwicensis, Doryopteris, Leucaena leucocephala, Acacia decurrens, Emilia, Rhyncelytrum repens, Hyptis, Sida f | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Tangalin, N. | 1559 | Kauai | BISH | 9/6/2007 |
49 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Puuwaawaa ranch, Kona | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener 7253 | Hawaii | BISH | 5/1/1932 | ||
50 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Paomai | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Munro, G.C. | 640 | Lanai | BISH | 10/1/1917 | |
51 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Waiopai Gulch | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Forbes, C.N. | 1855 M | Maui | BISH | 11/5/1920 | |
52 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Koaia Tree Sanctuary, 5 mi N. of Waimea | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Little Jr., E.L. | 31079 | Hawaii | BISH | 8/18/1976 | |
53 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | honouliuli forest reserve, between puu kuua and puu kapuai | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | landgraf, m.f. | collector number: s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 4/25/1967 | |
54 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kawaihaeuka | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | davis, c.j. | Oahu | BISH | 1/9/1952 | ||
55 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | s haleakala, kealii | Planted, introduced. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | forbes, c.n. | collector number: 2117.m | Kauai | BISH | 3/28/1920 |
56 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | lyon arboretum, middle lawn makai | Growing on well drained slope in open sun. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | spence, g. | collector number: 389 | Oahu | BISH | 8/8/1976 |
57 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | west maui, top of kealalola ridge above mcgregor point | dense ohia-Styphetic thicket on steep side of gulley | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | brenan, j.p.m. brenan, j.h.; hobdy, r.w.; plews, j. | collector number: 15195 | Maui | BISH | 2/16/1985 |
58 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | WSW of Puu Nene | gulch, remnant Dodonaea dry shrubland | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Oppenheimer, H.L. | H30816 | Lanai | BISH | 3/27/2008 |
59 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Hanalei Valley | woodland, open, partly cleared on steep slope | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Brenan, J.P.M. | 15209 | Kauai | BISH | 2/23/1985 |
60 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Off of North Kohala Rd., at Acacia koaia Sanctuary, Dept. of Forestry | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Wagner, W.L. | 5289 | Hawaii | BISH | 2/28/1984 | |
61 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Puuwaawaa, on the Huluhulu escarpment transect (T16), from the main colony | Native remnant forest. On grassy slopes. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Takeuchi, W.N. | Collector Number: 5814 | Hawaii | BISH | 5/1/1989 |
62 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | puuwaawaa | On grassy slope, Huluhulu escarpment. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | takeuchi, w.n. lau, j. | collector number: 5814 | Hawaii | BISH | 5/1/1989 |
63 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | 4 mi. from kamuela toward kohala | along road, dry forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o. | collector number: 3899 | Hawaii | BISH | 3/22/1930 |
64 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kauaio, E. Maui | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Medeiros, A.C | 352 | Maui | BISH | 12/4/1982 | |
65 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Koaia Sanctuary, N.W. of Waimea by Kohala Road | dryish rocky sloping grassland with small trees and shrubs | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Brenan, J.P.M. | 15181 | Hawaii | BISH | 2/13/1985 |
66 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | east maui, makawao forest reserve | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | hobdy, r.w. | collector number: s.n. | Maui | BISH | 12/20/2005 | |
67 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | hanalei district; kalalau valley; helicopter drop on isolated ridge below and w of first lookout | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | wood, k.r. perlman, s. | collector number: 3011 | Oahu | BISH | 2/27/1994 | |
68 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | east molokai, kamiloloa | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | hobdy, r.w. | collector number: 2357 | Molokai | BISH | 4/17/1985 | |
69 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | s haleakala, kealii | forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | forbes, c.n. | collector number: 2119.m 2119 m | Maui | BISH | 3/28/1920 |
70 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Koaia Gulch, SE | arid; with Melia, Schinus terebinthifolius, Dodonaea, Styphelia, Melinis minutiflora; S side near top of ridge | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Herbst, D.R. | 4030 | Lanai | BISH | 6/11/1974 |
71 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Puuwaawaa | On grassy slope, Huluhulu escarpment. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Takeuchi, W.N. | 5814 | Hawaii | BISH | 5/1/1989 |
72 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | n. kohala | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | bryan, l.w. | Hawaii | BISH | 5/15/1956 | ||
73 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Puuwaawaa, on the Huluhulu escarpment transect (T16), from the main colony | Native remnant forest. On grassy slopes. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Takeuchi, W.N. | 5814 | Hawaii | BISH | 5/1/1989 |
74 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Puuwaawaa | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Woolford, H.A. | s.n. | Hawaii | BISH | 12/29/1954 | |
75 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Paunau-Kuhua divide | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | St. John, H. | 17692 | Maui | BISH | 12/19/1936 | |
76 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | unknown | PreservedSpecimen | Collector Number: s.n. | BISH Specimen | ||||
77 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | East Maui, S Haleakala, Kamole | dry side of gulch | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O. | 19291 | Maui | BISH | 12/21/1948 |
78 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Palikea trail lower part | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | 11 | Oahu | BISH | 10/12/1963 | ||
79 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | palawai, se corner | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | munro, g.c. | collector number: 45 | Lanai | BISH | 6/2/1927 | |
80 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kalaheo, Kukui o Lono Park, adjacent to golf course, across from pavillion | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hodges, C. | s.n. | Kauai | BISH | 2/4/1982 | |
81 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | waiopai gulch | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | forbes, c.n. | collector number: 1855 m | Maui | BISH | 11/5/1920 | |
82 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | West FR, Lahaina, Panaewa, ridge S of S fork of Kahoma Stream | exotic grass and trees, native trees; steep slope top of gulch | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Warshauer, F.R. | FRW 3085 | Maui | BISH | 8/17/1980 |
83 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Honolulu, Bishop Museum Campus, native Hawaiian garden. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Kennedy, B. | 2018-1 | Oahu | BISH | 3/20/2018 | |
84 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kalaheo, kukui o lono park, adjacent to golf course, across from pavillion | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | hodges, c. | collector number: s.n. | Kauai | BISH | 2/4/1982 | |
85 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | back of Waimea | with ohia | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Rock, J.F.C. | 3984 | Hawaii | BISH | 7/24/1909 |
86 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | puuwaawaa ranch, kona | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | collector number: degener 7253 | Hawaii | BISH | 5/1/1932 | ||
87 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kohala mountains | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lamoureux, c.h. tabrah, j. | collector number: 2757 | Hawaii | BISH | 6/18/1964 | |
88 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Along road to Hawi, North Kohala District | in pasture | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Niimoto, D. | s.n. | Hawaii | BISH | 1/1/1984 |
89 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | east maui, kanaio | Roadside weed in mowed grass. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | medeiros, a.c. | collector number: 352 | Oahu | BISH | 12/4/1982 |
90 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | lihue-koloa fr, se kahua moa, above piwai reservoir | Bobea, Psydrax | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lorence, d.h. flynn, t.; chapin, m.; lilleeng-rosenberger, k. | collector number: 7125 | Kauai | BISH | 1/7/1992 |
91 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | ~7 miles nw of waimea, by kohala road outside of acacia koaia sanctuary | sloping rocky ground by roadside | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | brenan, j.p.m. brenan, j.h.; plews, j. | collector number: 15184 | Hawaii | BISH | 2/13/1985 |
92 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Koaia Gulch, below Waiakeakua Flat | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hobdy, R.W. | 207 | Lanai | BISH | 12/27/1970 | |
93 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | olinda forest reserve | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o. | collector number: 22110 | Maui | BISH | 3/26/1952 | |
94 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Above Puu Kawaiwai, Kohala | On dry weedy slope w/ scattered small trees. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Fosberg, F.R. | 42127 | Hawaii | BISH | 9/10/1961 |
95 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | WSW of Puu Nene | gulch, remnant Dodonaea dry shrubland | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Oppenheimer, H.L. Perlman, S. | Collector Number: H30816 | Lanai | BISH | 3/27/2008 |
96 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Grove Farm nursery | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lyon, H.L. | s.n. | Kauai | BISH | 5/29/1926 | |
97 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | palawai basin, se corner | small grove, on rocky slope | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | munro, g.c. | collector number: s.n. | Lanai | BISH | 4/19/1926 |
98 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | koaia gulch, off road to lanaihale | With Dodonaea, Melia azederach, Grevillea robusta, Panicum maximum, grasses. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | perlman, s.p. montgomery, s. | collector number: 6417 | Lanai | BISH | 9/1/1987 |
99 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | East Maui, Kanaio | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Medeiros, A.C. | 352 | Maui | BISH | 12/4/1982 | |
100 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kohala mts., puu kawaiwai | few trees remaining from former forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | st.john, h. hosaka, e.y. | collector number: 11504 | Hawaii | BISH | 1/2/1932 |
101 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kamuela | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | clay, h.f. | Hawaii | BISH | 11/1/1960 | ||
102 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Hanalei Distr., Na Pali Coast Trail, ca. 1 mi SW of Kee Beach, just NE of Hanakapiai Valley | North-facing slope with Pandanus, Acacia, scattered Metrosideros, and dense stands of Dicranopteris. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lorence, D.H. | 5784 | Kauai | BISH | 2/12/1988 |
103 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Parker Rock | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Suzuki | s.n. | Hawaii | BISH | 1/3/1946 | |
104 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kanaio nar, w side, n of old horse trail | Dodonaea, Wikstroemia, Osteomeles, Leptecophylla, Lantana, Melinis, Asplenium, Pellaea, Plectranthus, Diospyros, Bocconia, Schinus, Bidens pilosa, Peperomia, Cocculus, Ipomoea, Nothocestrum, Reynoldsia; aa flow | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | oppenheimer, h.l. quisenberry, d.; kekiwi, j. | collector number: h50801 | Maui | BISH | 5/13/2008 |
105 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | parker rock | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | suzuki | Oahu | BISH | 1/3/1946 | ||
106 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | 2 miles north of kamuela on road to kohala | Perhaps the last known locality for this relict dry-forest species. With Myoporum, Myrsine, in pasture area which has now been fenced off and protected. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | carlquist, s. | collector number: 2078 | Hawaii | BISH | 7/28/1966 |
107 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | hanalei valley | woodland, open, partly cleared on steep slope | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | brenan, j.p.m. brenan, j.h.; plews, j.; wichman, c. | collector number: 15209 | Kauai | BISH | 2/23/1985 |
108 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | East Maui, Makawao Forest Reserve | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hobdy, R.W. | s.n. | Maui | BISH | 12/20/2005 | |
109 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kauai | forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | st.john, h. | collector number: 24919 | Kauai | BISH | 12/31/1952 |
110 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Waimea District, Koaie, dividing ridge between Hipalau and Kawaiiki | mixed mesic forest, summer dry, steep slopes and cliff habitat Diospyros sandwicensis, Acacia koaia, Planchonella sandwicensis, Santalum pyrularium, Dracaena aurea, Myrsine lanaiensis, Rauvolfia sandwicensis, Psydrax odorata, Hibiscus waimeae, Flueggea neowawraea | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Wood, K.R. | 15369 | Kauai | BISH | 1/24/2013 |
111 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | east molokai, kamiloloa | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | hobdy, r.w. | collector number: 2358 | Molokai | BISH | 4/17/1985 | |
112 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kawaihaeuka | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Davis, C.J. | s.n. | Hawaii | BISH | 1/9/1952 | |
113 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | waahila ridge, about 1/8 mile makai of parking lot in park; under electric power lines | In disturbed forest with strawberry guava, ironwood, and few uulei plants. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | chung, d. | collector number: s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 8/27/1998 |
114 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kaa, Kanepuu | windswept, open, with alien grasses and shrubs | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lorence, D.H. | 6687 | Lanai | BISH | 1/20/1991 |
115 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | W Maui, Hanaula, Ukumekame district, head of Papalaua Gulch | With Styphelia; Santalum freycinetianum var. auwahiense; and Dodonaea. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Medeiros, A.C. | 541 | Maui | BISH | 9/27/1983 |
116 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Palawai Basin, SE corner | small grove, on rocky slopes | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Munro, G.C. | s.n. | Lanai | BISH | 8/19/1926 |
117 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | palikea trail lower part | moist ridge | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | collector number: 11 | Oahu | BISH | 10/12/1963 | |
118 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | w hanalei valley, kaukaopu ridge | Rhodomyrtus tomentosa, Ardisia elliptica, Psidium cattleianum, Melaleuca, Eucalyptus | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lorence, d.h. flynn, t.; asquith, a. | collector number: 8000 | Kauai | BISH | 6/6/1997 |
119 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | N. slope Hualalai between poohohoo and "Halfway House" | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Kondo, Y. | s.n. | Hawaii | BISH | 7/20/1946 | |
120 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kohala district, lands of puukawaiwai, koaia tree sanctuary along kohala-waimea highway centering on waiakamali gulch | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | herbst, d.r. spence, s. | collector number: 5309 | Hawaii | BISH | 5/19/1975 | |
121 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | back of waimea | with ohia | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | rock, j.f.c. | collector number: 3984 | Hawaii | BISH | 7/24/1909 |
122 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | 2 miles north of Kamuela on road to Kohala | Perhaps the last known locality for this relict dry-forest species. With Myoporum, Myrsine, in pasture area which has now been fenced off and protected. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Carlquist, S. | 2078 | Hawaii | BISH | 7/28/1966 |
123 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kamakoa Gulch, S. Kohala District, 3 miles east of Saddle Road Junction | Small grove of trees clinging to the north facing side of teh gulch. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Anderson, S.J. | Collector Number: 459 | Hawaii | BISH | 11/12/1981 |
124 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Hanalei, Napali Coast trail, ~1 mi SW of Kee Beach, NE of Hanakapiai | Pandanus, Metrosideros, Dicranopteris | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lorence, D.H. | 5785 | Kauai | BISH | 2/12/1988 |
125 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | paomai | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | munro, g.c. | collector number: 640 | Lanai | BISH | 10/1/1917 | |
126 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | off main hwy. to kokee from waimea town, west side of hwy. in road-cut about 2 miles before junction of rim road and kokee road | Degraded Dodonaea Shrubland. W/ Leptecophylla, Santalum ellipticum, Lipochaeta connata, Eragrostis variabilis, Bidens sandwicensis, Doryopteris, Leucaena leucocephala, Acacia decurrens, Emilia, Rhyncelytrum repens, Hyptis, Sida f | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | tangalin, n. demotta, m. | collector number: 1559 | Kauai | BISH | 9/6/2007 |
127 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Koaia Gulch, off road to Lanaihale | With Dodonaea, Melia azederach, Grevillea robusta, Panicum maximum, grasses. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Perlman, S. | 6417 | Lanai | BISH | 9/1/1987 |
128 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kanaio NAR, W side, N of old horse trail | Dodonaea, Wikstroemia, Osteomeles, Leptecophylla, Lantana, Melinis, Asplenium, Pellaea, Plectranthus, Diospyros, Bocconia, Schinus, Bidens pilosa, Peperomia, Cocculus, Ipomoea, Nothocestrum, Reynoldsia; aa flow | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Oppenheimer, H.L. Quisenberry, D.; Kekiwi, J. | Collector Number: H50801 | Maui | BISH | 5/13/2008 |
129 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | hanalei, sw of waipa stream, low hill leading to base of ridge | with Psidium and Pandanus | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | flynn, t. hume, l. | collector number: 3222 | Kauai | BISH | 12/2/1988 |
130 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | south kohala district: "koaia forest preserve" along highway 250 (hawi - waimea), at several miles nw of waimea | relic forest of Acacia surrounded by pastureland | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lorence, d.h. meilleur, b. | collector number: 5903 | Hawaii | BISH | 3/14/1988 |
131 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | hanalei valley | From near the top of the S. (?) peak. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o. hatheway, w.h. | collector number: 21405 | Oahu | BISH | 1/29/1950 |
132 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | east maui, s haleakala, kamole | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o. | collector number: 19291 | Kauai | BISH | 12/21/1948 | |
133 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | W Hanalei Valley, Kaukaopu ridge | Rhodomyrtus tomentosa, Ardisia elliptica, Psidium cattleianum, Melaleuca, Eucalyptus | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lorence, D.H. Flynn, T.; Asquith, A. | Collector Number: 8000 | Kauai | BISH | 6/6/1997 |
134 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Puu Manu, SE | windswept; with Dodonaea, Hyparrhenia | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Nagata, K.M. | 3721 | Lanai | BISH | 11/8/1987 |
135 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | puu manu, se | windswept; with Dodonaea, Hyparrhenia | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | nagata, k.m. | collector number: 3721 | Lanai | BISH | 11/8/1987 |
136 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | hanalei, napali coast trail, ~1 mi. sw of kee beach, ne of hanakapiai | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lorence, d.h. et al. | collector number: 5785 | Lanai | BISH | 2/12/1988 | |
137 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kauai | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Montgomery, S.L. | s.n. | Kauai | BISH | 6/10/1987 | |
138 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Pupukea past the Boy's camp | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Kingsley, L. | 24 | Oahu | BISH | 12/7/1960 | |
139 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kauai | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | montgomery, s.l. | collector number: s.n. | Kauai | BISH | 6/10/1987 | |
140 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | east maui, makawao district, east, puu o kali | lava | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | hobdy, r.w. | collector number: 1904 | Maui | BISH | 1/13/1984 |
141 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | puuwaawaa, nr puuanahulu bluff | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | skottsberg, c.j.f. | collector number: 1112 | Hawaii | BISH | 10/11/1922 | |
142 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Hanalei Valley | woodland | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Brenan, J.P.M. | 15211 | Kauai | BISH | 2/23/1985 |
143 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | pupukea past the boy's camp | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | kingsley, l. | collector number: 24 | Oahu | BISH | 12/7/1960 | |
144 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | East Maui, Lualailua, S slope | steep cinder bank; with Lantana, Melinis, Metrosideros | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Medeiros, A.C. | 545a | Maui | BISH | 10/2/1983 |
145 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | East Maui, Makawao District, above Kihei, Puu o Kali cone | lava | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hobdy, R.W. | 1009 | Maui | BISH | 3/5/1981 |
146 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | waimea district, koaie, dividing ridge between hipalau and kawaiiki | mixed mesic forest, summer dry, steep slopes and cliff habitat Diospyros sandwicensis, Acacia koaia, Planchonella sandwicensis, Santalum pyrularium, Dracaena aurea, Myrsine lanaiensis, Rauvolfia sandwicensis, Psydrax odorata, Hibiscus waimeae, Flueggea neowawraea | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | wood, k.r. kirkpatrick, m. | collector number: 15369.00 | Kauai | BISH | 1/24/2013 |
147 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kamuela | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Clay, H.F. | s.n. | Hawaii | BISH | 11/1/1960 | |
148 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kohala District, lands of Puukawaiwai, Koaia Tree Sanctuary along Kohala-Waimea Highway centering on Waiakamali Gulch | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Herbst, D.R. | 5309 | Hawaii | BISH | 5/19/1975 | |
149 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Lyon Arboretum | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Spence, G. | 389 | Oahu | BISH | 8/1/1976 | |
150 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Lihue-Koloa FR, SE Kahua Moa, above Piwai Reservoir | Bobea, Psydrax | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lorence, D.H. | 7125 | Kauai | BISH | 1/7/1992 |
151 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | waimea district, koaie, dividing ridge between hipalau and kawaiiki | On bark and on soil | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | wood, k.r. kirkpatrick, m. | collector number: 15348.00 | Oahu | BISH | 1/23/2013 |
152 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | ~7 miles NW of Waimea, by Kohala Road outside of Acacia Koaia Sanctuary | sloping rocky ground by roadside | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Brenan, J.P.M. | 15184 | Hawaii | BISH | 2/13/1985 |
153 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kamole gulch, maui, t. h. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | otto degener | 19291 | CHRB | 12/21/1948 | ||
154 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | East Maui, Kanaio | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Medeiros, A.C. | 353 | Maui | BISH | 12/4/1982 | |
155 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | makai [seaward] of muaro trail, southeast lanai | Acre and patch of dryish forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | otto degener; isa degener | 33374 | IND | 8/4/1963 | |
156 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | 4 mi from kamuela toward kohala along road | decadent dry forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o.; iwasaki, y.; pohinas, o. | 3899 | CM | 3/22/1930 | |
157 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | ao longo da trilha de Hana Kapiai, 1 1/4 milhas de Hana, em terreno com muito declive | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | R. Melville & W.S. Stewart | 71/1050 | IAC | 11/19/1971 | ||
158 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | No locality information available | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Otto Degener, J. Iwasaki & O. Pohina | LD | 3/22/1930 | |||
159 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | no locality information available | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | otto degener, j. iwasaki & o. pohina | LD | 3/22/1930 | |||
160 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | No locality information available | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | D. Herbst & G. Spence | LD | 5/19/1975 | |||
161 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | koala gulch | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | d. herbst & g. spence | LD | 6/11/1974 | |||
162 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Koala Gulch | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | D. Herbst & G. Spence | LD | 6/11/1974 | |||
163 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | no locality information available | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | d. herbst & g. spence | LD | 5/19/1975 | |||
164 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | f. r. fosberg | 10175 | PH | 9/2/1933 | |||
165 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Puu O Kali. | Erythrina lowland mesic forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. R. Wood | 319 | Maui | PTBG | 5/1/1990 |
166 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | MAUI: E. Maui, Kanaio NAR. On a`a lava flow in western portion of NAR, mauka (N) of old horse trail. Coordinates: 20.622900° N 156.356029° W | On a`a lava flow. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hank Oppenheimer | H50801 | Maui | PTBG | 5/13/2008 |
167 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Anahola. Moloaa Forest Reserve. | Dicranopteris covered slope just below ridge top. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Tim Flynn | 7772 | Kauai | PTBG | 3/20/2014 |
168 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Off main Hwy. to Kokee from Waimea Town, West side of Hwy. in road-cut about 2 miles before junction of Rim Road and Kokee Road. | Degraded Dodonaea Shrubland. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Natalia Tangalin | 1559 | Kauai | PTBG | 9/6/2007 |
169 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kalalau; lower Kalahu side w/ rope; Elev. 2150-2350 ft. | Dry to Mesic Cliffs | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. R. Wood | 3642 | Kauai | PTBG | 10/14/1994 |
170 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Makaha Ridge, PMRF site, south of helicopter LZ. | Pinus elliottii dry shrubland/grassland. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. R. Wood | 11853 | Kauai | PTBG | 4/18/2006 |
171 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Pohakuao, upper isolated hanging valley northeast of Kalalau and southwest of Hanakoa. | Relictual Kaua`i diverse mesic forest with secondary succession of invasive weeds. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. R. Wood | 10002 | Kauai | PTBG | 10/25/2002 |
172 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Lihue-Koloa Forest Reserve. Ridge trail from Kahili Mountain Park. | Wet Lowland Mixed forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Natalia Tangalin | 1568 | Kauai | PTBG | 9/13/2007 |
173 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kalalau Valley; helicopter drop on isolated ridge below and W of first lookout; National Geographic sponsered collection. Elev. 1900-2100 ft. | Dry to Mesic Cliffs. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. R. Wood | 3011 | Kauai | PTBG | 2/27/1994 |
174 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Koaia Gulch, off road to Lanaihale. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Steve Perlman | 6417 | Lanai | PTBG | 9/1/1987 | |
175 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kalalau Valley; Slopes of Kalahu; 300 m east of navy plane crash. | Diverse Mesic forest pockets and cliffs. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. R. Wood | 3386 | Kauai | PTBG | 8/2/1994 |
176 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Waahila Ridge, about 1/8 mile makai of parking lot in park; under electric power lines. | In disturbed forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | D. Chung | s.n. | Oahu | PTBG | 8/27/1998 |
177 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Eastern Anahola Mountains. East of and below the peak of Kawalumakua. Upper headwaters of the Aliomanu drainage | Lowland Ohia/Uluhe Fern Forest. South facing steep midslope, growing in large patches emerging from uluhe groundcover. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Adam M. Williams | AMW327 | Kauai | PTBG | 12/22/2016 |
178 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Just south of Puu Nene, in gulch between Puu Nene & Puhielelu ridge, may be Lopaa gulch, south facing slope, 20 deg. 48.786'N & 156 deg. 50.427'W | In Dodonaea shrubland. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Steve Perlman | 17711 | Lanai | PTBG | 10/10/2001 |
179 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | KAUAI: Na Pali coast, Kalalau trail, 1.25 miles in. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Steve Perlman | 15408 | Kauai | PTBG | 6/13/1996 | |
180 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Upper Manoa Valley, private land | Ridgetop in a Lowland Wet Ohia/Uluhe Fern Forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Adam M. Williams | AMW517 | Kauai | PTBG | 6/7/2018 |
181 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kuia Valley; Kuia Natural Area Reserve; north facing slopes. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. R. Wood | 7912-A | Kauai | PTBG | 7/13/1999 | |
182 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge, west flank of Hanalei Valley, on Kauka`opua Ridge; elevation 150-500 ft. | Secondary forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | David H. Lorence | 8002 | Kauai | PTBG | 6/6/1997 |
183 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kalalau Trail, about ¼ mile to Hanakapiai. | Lowland Mesic Pandanus – Metrosideros forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Natalia Tangalin | 534 | Kauai | PTBG | 11/2/2005 |
184 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | KAUAI: Hanalei District: Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge, west flank of Hanalei Valley on Kauka`opua Ridge; elevation 150-500 ft. | Secondary forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | David H. Lorence | 8001 | Kauai | PTBG | 6/6/1997 |
185 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Wahiawa Mountains, Mt Kahili, main trail, past water tank from Kahili Mtn. Park. [21.922507,-159.515425 these coordinates don't appear to be right] | Lowland disturbed mesic | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Kalli Harshman | KCH001 | Kauai | PTBG | 8/13/2018 |
186 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Na Pali Coast State Park, Along Kalalau trail, about 1.25 miles in, before Hanakapiai. | On slope. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Steve Perlman | 15312 | Kauai | PTBG | 4/10/1996 |
187 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | North Kohala Road from Kamuwela. State Div. of Forestry Acacia Koaia Preserve. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Tim Flynn | 767 | Hawaii | PTBG | 2/29/1984 | |
188 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | North Kohala Road from Kamuela. State Div. of Forestry Acacia Koaia Preserve. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Tim Flynn | 767 | Hawaii | PTBG | 2/29/1984 | |
189 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Top of Kealaloloa Ridge above McGregor Point. | Dense ohia-Styphelia thicket on steep side of gulley. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | J. P. M. Brenan | 15195 | Maui | PTBG | 2/16/1985 |
190 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Nounou Mountain Forest Reserve, along Nounou Trail West | Highly disturbed remnant low elevation Ohia Koaia forest with Uluhe understory | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Adam M. Williams | AMW411 | Kauai | PTBG | 7/24/2017 |
191 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Koaie, dividing ridge between Hipalau and Kawaiiki, | mixed mesic forest, summer dry, steep slopes and cliff habitat | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. R. Wood | 15369 | Kauai | PTBG | 1/24/2013 |
192 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Nounou Forest Reserve, ridge trail to North of Trail West | Highly disturbed lowland mesic forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Adam M. Williams | AMW653 | Kauai | PTBG | 10/2/2020 |
193 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | In gulch WSW of Puu Nene. | Remnant Dodonaea dry shrubland. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hank Oppenheimer | H30816 | Lanai | PTBG | 3/27/2008 |
194 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kauai, Anahola Mtns. | Windward Lowland disturbed Forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Natalia Tangalin | 4647 | Kauai | PTBG | 8/1/2016 |
195 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Koaie, dividing ridge between Hipalau and Kawaiiki, | mixed mesic forest, summer dry, steep slopes and cliff habitat | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. R. Wood | 15348 | Kauai | PTBG | 1/23/2013 |
196 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Upper Limahuli Preserve. | Upper uluhe slopes above Limahuli falls. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | J.C. Watson | JCW048 | Kauai | PTBG | 4/29/2015 |
197 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Na Pali Coast. Seeds collected from one tree along Na Pali Coast. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Bob Cabin | s.n. | Kauai | PTBG | 5/17/1997 | |
198 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Hanakapiai valley, Na Pali Coast State Park, west side of stream, east facing slope, mesic forest w/ | Mesic forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Steve Perlman | 17116 | Kauai | PTBG | 5/16/2000 |
199 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | West of Keopaweo, Nawiliwili. | Dryish forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Otto Degener | 21537 | Kauai | PTBG | 1/5/1952 |
200 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kahili ridge, about 100 m up trail from water tank | Lowland dry forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Randy Umetsu | RU012 | Kauai | PTBG | 11/10/2016 |
201 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Waimea District, Koaie, dividing ridge between Hipalau and Kawaiiki. | Mixed mesic forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Wood, K. R.; Kirkpatrick, M. | 15348 | Kauai | US | 1/23/2013 |
202 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Hanalei District, Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge, west flank of Hanalei Valley on Kauka`opua Ridge. | Secondary forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lorence, D. H.; Flynn, T. W.; Asquith, A. | 8000 | Kauai | US | 6/6/1997 |
203 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | puuwaawaa; huluhulu escarpment transect (t16) | Native remnant forest, grassy slopes | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | w. n. takeuchi | 5814 | Hawaii | US | |
204 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Waahila Ridge, about 1/8 mil makai of parking lot in park; under electric power lines | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Chung, D. | s.n. | Oahu | US | 8/27/1998 | |
205 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | hanalei dist; kalalau valley; helicopter drop on isolated ridge below and w of first lookout. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | k. r. wood & s. p. perlman | 3011 | Oahu | US | 2/27/1994 | |
206 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kahala reserve | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | w. l. wagner | 5289 | Kauai | US | ||
207 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Waimea District, Makaha Ridge, PMRF site, south of helicpter LZ. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. R. Wood & M. Query | 11853 | Kauai | US | 4/18/2006 | |
208 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | waimea district, makaha ridge, pmrf site, south of helicpter lz. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | k. r. wood & m. query | 11853 | Kauai | US | 4/18/2006 | |
209 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Waimea District, Koaie, dividing ridge between Hipalau and Kawaiiki. | Mixed mesic forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. R. Wood & M. Kirkpatrick | 15369 | Kauai | US | 1/24/2013 |
210 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Waimea District, Koaie, dividing ridge between Hipalau and Kawaiiki. | Mixed mesic forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Wood, K. R.; Kirkpatrick, M. | 15369 | Kauai | US | 1/24/2013 |
211 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Hanalei Dist; Kalalau Valley; helicopter drop on isolated ridge below and W of first lookout. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Wood, K. R.; Perlman, S. P. | 3011 | Kauai | US | 2/27/1994 | |
212 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Hanalei District, Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge, west flank of Hanalei Valley on Kauka`opua Ridge. | Secondary forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | D. H. Lorence, T. W. Flynn & A. Asquith | 8000 | Kauai | US | 6/6/1997 |
213 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | waimea district, koaie, dividing ridge between hipalau and kawaiiki. | Mixed mesic forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | k. r. wood & m. kirkpatrick | 15348 | Kauai | US | 1/23/2013 |
214 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Waimea District, off main Hwy to Kokee from Waimea Town, west side of Hwy in road-cut about 2 miles before junction of Rim Road and Kokee Road. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Tangalin, N.; DeMotta, M. | 1559 | Kauai | US | 9/6/2007 | |
215 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Waimea District, Makaha Ridge, PMRF site, south of helicpter LZ. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Wood, K. R.; Query, M. | 11853 | Kauai | US | 4/18/2006 | |
216 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kohala Mts, Puu Kawaiwai | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | St. John, H.; Hosaka, E. Y. | 11504 | Hawaii | US | 1/2/1932 | |
217 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Koloa District, Kahili ridge, about 100 m up trail from water tank. | Lowland dry forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | R. Umetsu & N. Tangalin | RU012 | Kauai | US | 11/10/2016 |
218 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | hanalei district, upper limahuli preserve, upper uluhe slopes above limahuli falls | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | j. watson & m. edmonds | jcw048 | Kauai | US | 4/29/2015 | |
219 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kohala mts, puu kawaiwai | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | h. st. john & e. y. hosaka | 11504 | Hawaii | US | 1/2/1932 | |
220 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | waahila ridge, about 1/8 mil makai of parking lot in park; under electric power lines | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | d. chung | s.n. | Oahu | US | 8/27/1998 | |
221 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Waimea District, Koaie, dividing ridge between Hipalau and Kawaiiki. | Mixed mesic forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. R. Wood & M. Kirkpatrick | 15348 | Kauai | US | 1/23/2013 |
222 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Hanalei District, Upper Limahuli Preserve, upper uluhe slopes above Limahuli falls | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | J. Watson & M. Edmonds | JCW048 | Kauai | US | 4/29/2015 | |
223 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kohala district, lands of puukawaiwai, kpoaia tree sanctuary along kohala- waimea highway centering on waiakamali gulch. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | d. r. herbst & g. spence | 5309 | Hawaii | US | 5/19/1975 | |
224 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kohala District, lands of Puukawaiwai, Kpoaia Tree Sanctuary along Kohala- Waimea Highway centering on Waiakamali Gulch. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Herbst, D. R.; Spence, G. | 5309 | Hawaii | US | 5/19/1975 | |
225 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Hanalei Dist; Kalalau Valley; Slopes of Kalahu; 300 m E of navy plane crash. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Wood, K. R.; Perlman, S. P. | 3386 | Kauai | US | 8/2/1994 | |
226 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Koaia gulch, off road to Lanaihale. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Perlman, S. P.; Montgomery, S. | 6417 | Lanai | US | 9/1/1987 | |
227 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | waimea district, koaie, dividing ridge between hipalau and kawaiiki. | Mixed mesic forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | k. r. wood & m. kirkpatrick | 15369 | Kauai | US | 1/24/2013 |
228 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | koloa district, kahili ridge, about 100 m up trail from water tank. | Lowland dry forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | r. umetsu & n. tangalin | ru012 | Kauai | US | 11/10/2016 |
229 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | hanalei district, hanalei national wildlife refuge, west flank of hanalei valley on kauka`opua ridge. | On valley floor and in forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | d. h. lorence, t. w. flynn & a. asquith | 8000 | Molokai | US | 6/6/1997 |
230 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Puuwaawaa; Huluhulu escarpment transect (T16) | Native remnant forest, grassy slopes | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Takeuchi, W. N. | 5814 | Hawaii | US | 5/1/1989 |
231 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | waimea district, off main hwy to kokee from waimea town, west side of hwy in road-cut about 2 miles before junction of rim road and kokee road. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | n. tangalin & m. demotta | 1559 | Kauai | US | 9/6/2007 | |
232 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Koloa District, Kahili ridge, about 100 m up trail from water tank. | Lowland dry forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Umetsu, R.; Tangalin, N. | RU012 | Kauai | US | 11/10/2016 |
233 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | hanalei distr., na pali coast trail, ca. 1 mi. sw of kee beach, just ne of hanakapiai valley | North-facing slope with Pandanus, Acacia, scattered Metrosideros, and dense stands of Dicranopteris. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | lorence, d.h. flynn, t.; jamieson, d.; decker, c.; talbot, j. | collector number: 5784 | Kauai | BISH | 2/12/1988 |
234 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | hanalei dist; kalalau valley; slopes of kalahu; 300 m e of navy plane crash. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | k. r. wood & s. p. perlman | 3386 | Kauai | US | 8/2/1994 | |
235 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | ao longo da trilha de hana kapiai, 1 1/4 milhas de hana, em terreno com muito declive | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | r. melville & w.s. stewart | 71/1050 | YPM | 11/19/1971 | ||
236 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | 4 mi. from kamuela toward kohala | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o. | collector number: 3899 | Molokai | BISH | 3/22/1930 | |
237 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | East Maui, Makawao District, East, Puu o Kali | lava | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hobdy, R.W. | 1904 | Maui | BISH | 1/13/1984 |
238 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kawaihau District. Anahola, Moloaa Forest Reserve, upper reaches of Papaa Valley below Kawalumakua Peak. | Metrosideros-Dicranopteris lowland windward Forest W/ Psidium cattleianum, Sphenomeris chinensis, Syzygium cumini, Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Tangalin, N. | 2585 | Kauai | BISH | 4/12/2011 |
239 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | koaia gulch, off road to lanaihale. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | s. p. perlman & s. montgomery | 6417 | Kauai | US | 9/1/1987 | |
240 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kanaio Natural Area Reserve. | Mixed open dry forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. R. Wood | 7677-A | Maui | PTBG | 2/9/1999 |
241 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Puuwaawaa | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Meebold, A. | s.n. | Hawaii | BISH | 5/1/1932 | |
242 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Palawai Basin, SE corner | small grove, on rocky slope | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Munro, G.C. | s.n. | Lanai | BISH | 4/19/1926 |
243 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Puuwaawaa, nr Puuanahulu Bluff | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Skottsberg, C.J.F. | 1112 | Hawaii | BISH | 10/11/1922 | |
244 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kauaio, e. maui | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | medeiros, a.c | collector number: 352 | Maui | BISH | 12/4/1982 | |
245 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Honouliuli Forest Reserve, between Puu Kuua and Puu Kapuai | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Landgraf, M.F. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 4/25/1967 | |
246 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | n. slope hualalai between poohohoo and "halfway house" | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | kondo, y. | Hawaii | BISH | 7/20/1946 | ||
247 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | east maui, lualailua, s slope | steep cinder bank; with Lantana, Melinis, Metrosideros | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | medeiros, a.c. | collector number: 545a | Maui | BISH | 10/2/1983 |
248 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kohala Mountain | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hillebrand, W.B. | s.n. | Hawaii | BISH | 1872-00-00 | |
249 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | ridge behind papaa, moloaa fr | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | degener, o. greenwell, a. | BISH | 1/16/1952 | |||
250 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | west fr, lahaina, panaewa, ridge s of s fork of kahoma stream | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | warshauer, f.r. mceldowney, p.h. | collector number: frw 3085 | Molokai | BISH | 8/17/1980 | |
251 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | koaia sanctuary, n.w. of waimea by kohala road | dryish rocky sloping grassland with small trees and shrubs | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | brenan, j.p.m. brenan, j.h.; plews, j. | collector number: 15181 | Hawaii | BISH | 2/13/1985 |
252 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Hanalei, SW of Waipa stream, low hill leading to base of ridge | with Psidium and Pandanus | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Flynn, T. | 3222 | Kauai | BISH | 12/2/1988 |
253 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kula | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Hillebrand, W.B. | s.n. | Maui | BISH | ||
254 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | off of north kohala rd., at acacia koaia sanctuary, dept. of forestry | Epiphytic on Halimeda discoidea. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | wagner, w.l. mill, s.w.; flynn, t.; gustafson, r.; davis, j. | collector number: 5289 | Oahu | BISH | 2/28/1984 |
255 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | puu kawai, waimea | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | rock, j.f.c. | collector number: 3982 | Hawaii | BISH | 7/24/1909 | |
256 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | South Kohala District: "Koaia Forest Preserve" along Highway 250 (Hawi - Waimea), at several miles NW of Waimea | relic forest of Acacia surrounded by pastureland | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lorence, D.H. | 5903 | Hawaii | BISH | 3/14/1988 |
257 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | South Kohala District: Kohala Mountains, "Koaia Tree Sanctuary" of State Forestry Dept., along Highway 250 at 5.5 miles NW of Waimea | remnants of low dry forest dominated by Acacia koaia with Myoporum, Chenopodium and exotic grasses | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lorence, D.H. | 6073 | Hawaii | BISH | 6/29/1988 |
258 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | puuwaawaa | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | woolford, h.a. | Hawaii | BISH | 12/29/1954 | ||
259 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | S Haleakala, Kealii | forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Forbes, C.N. | 2117.M | Maui | BISH | 3/28/1920 |
260 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Palawai, SE corner | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Munro, G.C. | 45 | Lanai | BISH | 6/2/1927 | |
261 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kamakoa Gulch, S. Kohala District, 3 miles east of Saddle Road Junction | Small grove of trees clinging to the north facing side of teh gulch. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Anderson, S.J. | 459 | Hawaii | BISH | 11/12/1981 |
262 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | kamakoa gulch, s. kohala district, 3 miles east of saddle road junction | Small grove of trees clinging to the north facing side of teh gulch. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | anderson, s.j. | collector number: 459 | Hawaii | BISH | 11/12/1981 |
263 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Hanalei Distr., Na Pali Coast Trail, ca. 1 mi SW of Kee Beach, just NE of Hanakapiai Valley | North-facing slope with Pandanus, Acacia, scattered Metrosideros, and dense stands of Dicranopteris. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lorence, D.H. | 5783 | Kauai | BISH | 2/12/1988 |
264 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | W Hanalei Valley, Kaukaopu ridge | Rhodomyrtus tomentosa, Ardisia elliptica, Psidium cattleianum, Melaleuca, Eucalyptus | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Lorence, D.H. | 8000 | Kauai | BISH | 6/6/1997 |
265 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Olinda Forest Reserve | gulch slopes | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Degener, O. | 22110 | Maui | BISH | 3/26/1952 |
266 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Koloa District. Kahil ridge, about 100 m up trail from water tank | Lowland dry forest Dicranopteris linearis | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Umetsu, R. | RU012 | Kauai | BISH | 11/10/2016 |
267 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Waahila Ridge, about 1/8 mile makai of parking lot in park; under electric power lines | In disturbed forest with strawberry guava, ironwood, and few uulei plants. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Chung, D. | s.n. | Oahu | BISH | 8/27/1998 |
268 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Waialae, headwater streamlet of Waialae just south of Kaluahaulu Ridge Trail. | Acacia-Metrosideros montane mesic forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | K. R. Wood | 11800 | Kauai | PTBG | 2/25/2006 |
269 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Hanalei District, Upper Limahuli Preserve, upper uluhe slopes above Limahuli falls | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Watson, J. C.; Edmonds, M. | JCW048 | Kauai | US | 4/29/2015 | |
270 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | S Haleakala, Kealii | forest | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Forbes, C.N. | 2119.M 2119 M | Maui | BISH | 3/28/1920 |
271 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Kawaihai-uka | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | Davis, C.J. | s.n. | Hawaii | BISH | 1/21/1959 | |
272 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | Hanalei National Wildlife Refuge, west flank of Hanalei Valley on Kauka`opua Ridge; elevation 150-500 ft. | Secondary forest. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | David H. Lorence | 8000 | Kauai | PTBG | 6/6/1997 |
273 | Acacia koaia | Hillebr. | east maui, makawao district, above kihei, puu o kali cone | Mesic koa- ohia forest w/ other native trees and a native-exotic shrub and grass u/s. On fallen log. | PRESERVED_SPECIMEN | hobdy, r.w. | collector number: 1009 | Hawaii | BISH | 3/5/1981 |